I’ve been administering a site that I inherited five years ago. It’s time to make some changes (!) and I need to reset the page sources used by TG Services in the Business Bottom Sidebar (In The News section).
The old source page contains shortcodes to display the latest 10 posts from each of three categories: Local & ACP; Regional & MVP; Big Picture, though the TG Services Widget is only showing 1. I have found where this last setting is held but it’s been six weeks since I’ve worked on this, so I’ll have to dig again to find it.
Here is an example of the shortcodes:
[ic_add_posts category=’local-acp’ showposts=’10’]
I have created the new pages and post categories to supply them. I have a duplicate In The News page to hold the new shortcode references to the new categories. IT works fine. But the TG Services widget source won’t udpate. Either I get just the section titles and links to other pages (if I reference the new page), or it defaults to the original In The News source page (if I change the shortcodes there).
Yes, I’ve deleted the existing instance of the widget and tried adding a new one…at different positions on the page (columns 1 or 3) etc. The widget always goes back to the original source material.
I cannot find where this may have been hard coded by the author…I don’t see it in the Business Template Page Templates. And definitely not in Additional CSS.
Happy to share additional code and links if that helps, but at this point, I don’t know what to share…
I’m using Windows 10, Firefox and Chrome. Site is hosted on/by Kinsta, for whatever that’s worth.
Many thanks in advance!!
]]>The calendar shortcode works properly when I put it in a page with the default template, but if I Use the default template I lose the other nice segments of the template.
How do I proceed
]]>I am using Spacious Pro with the business template on my site www.florian-pressler.de . Since I upgradet to WP 4.4.2 I am no longer able to update texts on sites that use the business template. That means I edit the texts in the editor and everything seems to be all right in editor view. But then the changes I made to the texts don’t show in the frontend. :-/
As soon as I change from business template to standard template (or actually any other template), the changes I made to the texts are visible on the frontend – but then my design is destroyed.
I didn’t make any special changes to anything!
Any help about how this can be fixed is very welcome!
My Web Site is here . Now is there any way to change the icons, i.e. virtual tour, about us, gallery? In order to place them there, you have to enter text on the actual page it links to, so essentially I can’t add anything to the page or it will all show in the home page. Is there a way to keep the icon, text, and link, but not have the text on the actual page? Perhaps there is a way to change the read more link to direct to a different, actually blank page?
Hopefully I have described it well enough; as I said, I am quite the novice. I keep having tons of questions and I feel bad asking about all of them. Anyways, thanks for any help you guys can give.
]]>My site: www.contabilidadcesb.com