How do I add a button to a Smart Slider page and have it behave like the Sydney Pro buttons? I’ve tried adding the classes roll-button button-slider customize-unpreviewable but that didn’t give me the theme’s colous and jover animations.
I’m sure this has been answered but have had no luck with google, or searching this forum.
]]>.a2a_kit .a2a_button { margin: 0 10px; }
]]>Is it possible to use a shortcode instead of url for the signup link/button?
I have a membership program which create payment buttons (but not url links) and I would like to use your Pricing Table but include their button instead.
Would that be possible? I am currently using a div statement.
It partially works but is displaying “> on the pricing table page.
I am using your payment buttons and it works wells. However, I would like to know if there is a way to use URL’s instead of the buttons.
I need URL’s that I can link to from Gutenbuerg or Elementor buttons instead.
Is this at all possible?
]]>The buttons in my woocommerce webshop are all over the place. Only in the webshop, not on the rest of my webiste. I didn’t change anything. How can I rectify this issue? I already tried the ‘woo align buttons plugin’ but that didn’t work.