Will this plugin support business to business or customer to customer shipments, rather than store to customer shipments? I want to potentially integrate with with the Norsk API
]]>Will this plugin support customer to customer shipments, rather than store to customer shipments. I want to potentially integrate with with the Norsk API
]]>Kind regards
]]>When a user places an order of 2 articles, the workflow of a partial refund is not clear to me. The order could consist of products of 2 different sellers. Therefore it is possible, that 1 part of the order has to be cancelled / refunded.
Under WooCommerce – Orders I can see that particular order, and I can refund one product of the whole order within that view. On the mangopay dashboard I can see how the refund payment is initiated and successfully done.
So far so good.
But now I want to “complete” the order with the remaining one (valid) product. If I switch the Order-state to “Completed” I can see on the Mangopay Dashboard, that a transfer of BOTH products is initiated (including the one which was refunded).
Is there an other way to finalize that order (containing a “valid” product and one which was already refunded)?
Many thanks in advance!
echo c2c_get_recent_custom('Org-Logo','<img src="https://example.org/wp-content/uploads/','" class="thumbsize" />','',' ','',300,false,'DESC',true); ?>
to display up to 300 logos, arranged via the thumbsize class.
I get nothing. However, if I remove all but the first 5 vars, I get ONE logo (the last one added)
I believe it should work, but it doesn’t. The documentation says that $limit is: Optional argument. The limit to the number of custom fields to retrieve.
any suggestions or ideas? What am I doing wrong?
]]>$orderby = 'max_comment_date'
I am able to order the posts that way, but it includes all the posts on the site. I see the plugin works with categories, but I don’t see any options for tagged posts.
For example, on the page example.com/tag/blue I would like order all the ‘blue’ posts with latest commented post at the top, and to have example.com/tag/red ordered the same with the ‘red’ posts. Now it just shows all the site’s posts, regardless of which tagged posts you are trying to display. Any ideas on how I can include the tags when ordering posts? Thanks in advance.
]]><img src="<?php echo c2c_get_custom("image_thumb", "/wp-content/uploads/headers/", ".jpg", "privateIslandsHeader"); ?>" />
My custom field key is “image_thumb” and my custom field value is the image file name without the extension while using the before as the path and the after as the file extension. I’ve also set the default is case there isn’t a custom field.
My problem is that it is only picking up the default image and not the one designated by the post’s custom field. Any ideas? Any and all insights would be appreciated…
]]>I have used the post excerpt field and would like to display 20 random post excerpts in the archives page.
What I managed to get is a display of post excerpts in ascending order using
<?php c2c_get_random_posts(20,'%post_excerpt%','','desc'); ?>
I can’t change the display order, and I can’t get it to show randomly.
I don’t know what I’m doing wrong, have tried all variations of the function, still can’t get it to work. Have searched the forums & documentation, but found no posts on what I’m stuck at. Please help!
Using latest plugin file v.3.0.1, WP 2.5.1
]]>When I put this code into the theme
<?php c2c_get_recent_posts(5, "<li>%post_URL%", "4"); ?>
I expected to get the 5 most recent posts for category #4, however I get just the 5 most recent posts regardless of category. Since I have one of these for each category, I just get 5 blocks of the latest posts.
I’m fairly certain I’m using the right syntax because I’ve gotten it to work with this plugin on previous projects.
I’m wondering if it has something to do with the loop. On this project I’m leaving the loop in place because I also want to have a preview of the most recent post displayed at the top first, where as in the last project I completely took the loop out of index.php.