Is there any way to just get the banner to show to California? My client is particularly concerned about her Facebook pixel not loading/capturing custom audience for non-Californians if the cookie banner loads and they don’t accept.
]]>What am I doing wrong? I just want the California tax rate to be applied to any shipping address in California.
]]>theCartPress seems to ignore any zip code based tax computation.
I’m able to get proper tax rates for the other methods.
Even if I delete all other rules, an put in only 1 rule with one zip code, it is still ignored, and returns a tax rate of 0%.
Secondary Questions:
Also, it is not clear how to add multiple zip codes.
Is it possible to enter a range zip codes?
Is it possible to enter multiple zip codes seperated by commas?
I see that there is a limit of 255 characters for the zip code…
Here Is what I am trying to accomplish.
If you are a store selling from California (unlike the California zip code blog post), one cannot (necessarily) charge a single tax to all CA shipping addresses. California uses a combination of Shipping To address AND Business (or Shipping From) Address.
So this company is based in Carson City, which is in Los Angelos County in CA.
So I need 3 rules:
1: If destination address is also in Los Angelos County, I must charg 9.0% sales tax.
2: Else, f destination is in California, but outside LA county, I charge CA sales tax only (7.5%)
3: Else, If Shipping address in to a different state, in the USA, I charge 0% sales tax.
(4: I’m ot sure3 about rules for international, such as Canada, which I will also need to implement.)
LA County has 525 zip codes !
So I need to know how I may enter them. I’m hoping comma seperated will work.
I REALLY do nt want to individually create 525 individual rules, for LA county alone!!
I already took the time to compile a comma seperated list of zip codes!!
But first, I need to get zip codes working AT ALL!
Inside CA, no matter what zip code is the destination, returtns 7.5%
Outside CA, correctly returns 0%
But any zip code based rule, even if there is no CA, or USA rule, is ignor3ed!
(either 0% or 7.5% is used, depending on if I have USA, and/or CA rules also implement3ed at the time).
I’v got the stor3e almot ompletely settup, after trying 2 othert shopping carts. I DO NOT want to try yet another.
I REALLY like theCartPress.
In fact, I liked it so much, I already purchased and settup the UPS Shipping Module.
I left the taxes for last, as I presumed it would be straight forward, and no issues. Also, I know I needed to do the monotonous task of comma seperating the zip odes.
Alternatiely, is it possible to let theCartPress handle everything, including shipping, and ot display ANYTHING tax related, then let PayPal compute, display and handle that portion after handing it off (I’m using PayPal Standard).
I already have PayPal settup for taxes and it works corr3ectly there.
THANK YOU Anyone For Help On This Matter !!!
]]>I am a total novice at this, and was wondering if there was anyone in the Southern California area that does these conversions from Joomla to WordPress for a small fee. Please let me know.
Thank you,