Since I followed the instructions as given and the auto-publish on Twitter doesn’t work for me, the only thing I believe is causing the issue (apart from the Username, where I tried both with the @
handle and without) is the Callback URL. Can you please let us know what this URL should be, since Twitter’s documentation is too technical to understand?
Thank you.
]]>25-10-2018 02:59:10 AM Connection error: <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?><errors><error code=”415″>Callback URL not approved for this client application. Approved callback URLs can be adjusted in your application settings</error></errors>
We have added every callback url we can image to the Twitter app but the plug-in itself won’t let us do anything. we have clicked reset – nothing is working!
]]>I works with your plugin which is great:) I managed to define Facebook and Google+ sync easily but for some reason it not works with Twitter.
on my site, once I tried to login with Twitter i see the following error message:
“Authentication failed. Either you have cancelled the authentication or Twitter refused the connection.
Authentication failed! Twitter returned an error. 403 Forbidden: The request is understood, but it has been refused.
403. Callback URL not approved for this client application. Approved callback URLs can be adjusted in your application settings”
However, at Twitter developers account within the App setting I cant update the given Callback URL – it throw an error “Invalid website url.” and direct to this documentation page: where it state this:
“Do not add query strings to your callback URLs in your Twitter app’s configuration
Twitter will allow you to pass any standard query strings along with your callback URL in your oauth/request_token request. Therefore, we do not allow you to add query strings to the end of the callback URL that you list in the Twitter apps dashboard.
You want to use as your callback URL
Add this to the Twitter app dashboard:
Use this in your call to oauth/request_token:”
And I cant find anywhere on Twitter account where I can update this URL –
So my question is where should I update the callback URL ?
]]>Also the option “Enable Callback Locking” is not in the app settings anymore, or i could not find it anymore.
Is there a way to fix this?
]]>Unfortunately SNI is not supported by WorldPay and we know it causes callback issues which is what is currently happening to you: [2017-09-26 10:52:25.212 (TID:msg1Conn2-6117)] Callback Failed: Callback to: failed CAUSED BY Received fatal alert: internal_error
So here are some known solutions on dealing with SNI:
? Disable the certificate altogether;
? Edit your Payment Response URL to use http: instead of HTTPS:
I’m hoping it is possible to edit the callback url.
Please let me know how to go about doing that.
Kind regards,
]]>My website is running on AWS Linux Server. I have succesfully completed all pre-requisites
My website has SSL and is running on https://
But, when I install this plugin it does not generate a “https://” Callback URL rather it generates a “https://” Callback URL. However, Messenger chatbot needs a “https://” Callback URL.
So could anyone help me with this.
]]>“On the Settings of the Auth0 application change the Callback URL to be: https://your-domain/index.php?auth0=1. Using TLS/SSL is recommended for production.“
After logging in, I want employees to be redirected to another landing page other than the home page.