Here are links to data I’m working with:
Example of csv with products
Products which left uncategorized
The slider works fine when I explicitly set the post ids to show. But when I enter 3,5 for the Category ids (I currently have two categories with these ids), and set How many posts to show=2, and leave the post ids field empty I get a black screen.
Any ideas why this could be?
This is probably a simple question for the experts, but I can’t solve it alone.
I manage a WP-site with Mantra running. (v 2.2.1). There is a sticky post on top with the title “Open dag NEM Academy Breda”. I would like to modify the format of that post. I don’t want the category “Uitnodiging” to be displayed. It is currently shown right under the title. (I’m talking about, on the homepage, on the root, not when clicking deeper into the site).
How to achieve that? I think I’ll need to adjust a PHP file? But which one? and where? I looked inside content-image.php and content.php but I see no reference to ‘cat’ or ‘category’. And even if I would find it I wouldn’t know which exact part of the code to take out.
Any hints are welcome. I haven’t figured out the structure of the theme (hardly ever need to in practice) and I don’t know much php: also not needed to manage a WP-site. Except now I suppose.
(I tried asking this on the Matra-theme producers’ forum, but I got no answer).
Thanks to anyone in advance, regards, Thomas.
]]>So, someone on another forum (for another open source script) decided to insult me for posting a question I was obviously required to know the answer to (Like anyone should know to replace shorttags with proper PHP tags in the script’s /lib folder). Anyway, I’ve read WordPress’s policy for the use of this forum, and I think that the creators of WordPress should be given their knighthood, already. Thank you for making a wonderful script even more fantastic by a supportive community.
Okay, back to my problem(?). I’m using WordPress as a CMS rather than a blogging tool, I’ve set up only the home page to display the news section (news posts). On the sidepanel of the home page a selection of links related to the news section (Archives, Categories and Recent Posts) are displayed.
The weird thing is that posts from the category dedicated to EventCalendar are also displayed in the sidepanel. When I click on them, however, I’m redirected to the Page Not Found message …
The question now is: How do I remove the posts belonging to the calendar from the sidepanel? I want to remove the Calendar category, as well as the posts that are posted in the Calendar category. Here’s the code for my sidepanel:
<?php /* If this is the frontpage */ if ( is_home() ) { ?>
<div id="sidenav">
<h2 class="sidebar">Nuus Argiewe</h2>
<ul id="sidenavlist1">
<?php wp_get_archives('type=monthly'); ?>
<div id="sidenav">
<h2 class="sidebar">Nuus Kategorieë</h2>
<ul id="sidenavlist2">
<?php wp_list_cats('sort_column=name&hierarchical=0'); ?>
$today = current_time('mysql', 1);
if ( $recentposts = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT ID, post_title FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_status = 'publish' AND post_date_gmt < '$today' ORDER BY post_date DESC LIMIT 10")):
<div id="sidenav">
<h2 class="sidebar">Onlangse Nuus</h2>
<ul id="sidenavlist3">
foreach ($recentposts as $post) {
if ($post->post_title == '')
$post->post_title = sprintf(__('Post #%s'), $post->ID);
echo "<li><a href='".get_permalink($post->ID)."'>";
echo '</a></li>';
<?php endif; ?>
I really hope that someone out there will be able to help me. I’ve been through the Documentation on the site, and the text is either oriented towards other things, or (and I think this is the case) floating above my head making absolutely no sense.