]]>No matter what is put into the ‘TO’ field in messages, get “no matches found” and ”you must enter a valid recipient”.
It works for ID=1, so it is apparently contacting the wp_users table.
Page with slug messages [cartpauj-pm]
Plugin ‘custom content shortcode’.
Member profile page, [pdb_single], has following link: https://<site>/messages/?pmaction=newmessage&to=[content field=”username” meta=”ID”]”> per suggestion by karel772.
Will one (or none) of the following solve the problem?
1. direct cartpuaj to participants database instead of wp_users table.
2. automatically embed new PDB user’s ID and name in wp_users table.
3. rename the database in wp-config.php to Participants database.
Any help would be appreciated.
]]>What I have done:
The member profile page, [pdb_single], has following link to send private message:
/messages/?pmaction=newmessage&to=[content field=”username” meta=”ID”]”>Send a message
according to suggestion by karel772 at for obtaining the username and ID of database member.
Page with slug messages containing [cartpauj-pm]
Downloaded plugin ‘custom content shortcode’.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks, Morgan
Maybe we can say “Another One Bites The Dust”…
]]>Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Many Thanks
]]>*10= is a casual id
]]>How do I make it so that the bbcodes make a neat line on top?
The bbcode right now takes up a lot of space, how can I make it horizontal line not vertical?
How do I make the reply box above the messages?
How do I make it so the reply area is the first thing you see?
Thanks a lot! I appreciate any help!
]]>Thanx @houseofstrauss
Is it also possible to integrate in buddypress the member header? The link work, but he does not detect the user from buddypress, the user I want to mail.
And is it possible in the same window e.g. in Thickbox to open Colorbox or Lightbox?
this link is:
a href=”<?php the_author_ID(); ?>”>PM me
the_author_ID is not correctly for Buddypress.
Thanx Greetings R.
]]>Is it true? Because I’d like to know how to get my mingle forum to look like that.
2) is there a way that I can expand and contract my mingle forum forums? I don’t like how each forum is open and shows all my sub-topics. I have a few forums for different animals and I’d like to extract them, to hide all the sub topics (until my members click on the forum to expand the forum to view the sub topics) This will make it easier for my memers to view all the forums at once, instead of having to scroll down until they find the forum they are trying to look For.
Thanks guys