I’ve tried all sorts of things, including going back to the default TwentySeventeen theme, removing all plugins bar WP Job Manager, re-installing WordPress.
The only thing that’s had a partial effect, was weirdly deactivating and then re-activating Job Types within Job Manager.
My search queries are just hit and miss as to whether they return any results. Some searches appear to be case sensitive, while others aren’t. Some searches return blog results. Some return zero results.
I’ve also gone into phpmyadmin and checked/repaired table… no errors were found.
I also thought the case sensitivity was a collation issue, so made sure the posts table was set to utf8_general_ci
None of this has worked reliably all the time for any of the sites we’re using WP Job Manager on.
One of the suggestions mentioned above about trying with a brand new job… I’m yet to try (and will do now) but that’s going to be no help for some of our sites with hundreds or thousands of jobs on them.
Any help would be appreciated please!
]]>I know these are pretty basic questions, I just haven’t encountered them in a while.
Thanks in advance.
]]>Is there some code I could put in somewhere that would direct WP to ignore case and display the page regardless of capitalization?
]]>If someone subscribes as [email protected] and then later on tries to unsubscribe as [email protected] (with a small j instead of a capital J), he will get an error message that tells him the address is not on the mailing list.
I’m not sure about Internet standards, etc, but if we focus on the subscriber, this error message behavior is a ‘mistake’. To him/her, [email protected] = [email protected].
When the next release of subscribe2 comes out, it would be nice to see this issue addressed.
]]>Makes me think the check for a matching e-mail address should be case sensitive (whatever the underlying DB default is.)
]]>We had a subscriber in our list with an uppercase character at the beginning of the email address, who attempted to unsubscribe with all lower case. This generates an error message: “that email address is not subscribed”.
Would it be possible to make this tool case-independent since email addresses are not case-sensitive and practices vary?
Thank you