I am currently using the free Dokan Lite plugin and have been extensively studying the Dokan Pro before I make my purchase decision.
I am quite impressed with the work you have done so far on Dokan and the recent Pro features you’ve introduced (more especially the Wholesale feature). However I wish to make some suggestions in that regard for it to fit the requirements of most users.
Could you kindly consider tweaking the Wholesale feature to give marketplace owners granular control over which vendor a customer can have access to its wholesale price? Currently, from your documentation when customers apply to buy at wholesale price, it gives them access to wholesale prices of every vendor on the marketplace. Some vendors like brands may have some exclusive arrangements with their distributors who are also participating in the same marketplace as vendors too. The vendors (brands) definitely will want to ensure that not everyone in the marketplace can access their wholesale prices or even buy directly from them except their partners to respect and retain their relationships. Kindly consider making this upgrade to the Wholesale feature so that marketplace owners can first secure confirmation from affected vendors to authorize such a customer.
Finally, I know that a 3rd party plugin, Woocommerce Wallet, has some integration to Dokan to support payments to and from wallets. It would be a great feature for Dokan to have a cashback system in which the cashback earned in purchases from Vacation A cannot be used in purchases from a Very B, which would be a detriment to the Vendor A who offered the cash back. It would be great to promote the sales of our vendors and it would be great for Dokan to support such functionality.
Thank you.
]]>I’m currently using Woowallet version Version 1.1.7 from GitHub and I am scared to update to the latest version since I uploaded the plugin coming from the gitHub because it supports my needed cashback which is 0.5% per item. Is the new version support this now?
Next, is there a way that the Cart will auto update the Totals if customer chooses to use his wallet credits?
Second, is there a way for customers to input only the amount of of wallet credits he wants to use? Example: Total Cart amount is PhP 1,000 and customer have 500 wallet credits and he just want to use 200 wallet credits only for this transaction.
Thank you so much!
]]>Issue resolved after uninstalling the plugin.
There might be something with the plugin that conflicts with media files upload to a blog post. Hope someone can check on it as i really love this plugin
]]>Also, great support from the author! He answered my question in less than 15 mins after posting it on the support forum! The best!
]]>Also, how can i remove the 1% Cash Back button being seen on product view below the Product Title
Thank you and awesome plugin!!!
]]>I using woocommerce multi currency + woo cashback.
I have issue for woo cashback for unable to change the value base on different currency.
for example i bought an item at usd10 with 10% cashback , i got usd1 cashback.
But when i change the currency to ringgit malaysia. the cashback usd1 does not change the value. it showed MYR1 ……it suppose to change to MYR4.3 …..
Hope to hear from you soonest. Thanks.