I have built a website using the Catch Box Theme. I have been also been creating custom templates within that theme and have been using the advanced custom fields plugin and the custom post type ui plugin. I am new to all of this. For some reason when I limit which places on my site the plugins are visible it will not show up on pages that use my custom templates. Am I missing something? Is it a problem with your plugin, the theme I am using or something that I need to do with the programming? Is there somewhere where I need to register these new templates in my theme so that your plugin can find the page? I am able to select it from my widget’s visibility drop down menu. I have been scouring the internet for hours upon hours. Am I missing something? Please, help. This is probably an easy fix that I am just unaware of.
]]>Here is a link to my site: bliptalk.org
Other than finding larger images to fit as featured images, where should I look to change it?
]]>I’ve noticed that my ‘socail links’ don’t appear on the bottom of my site/page?
Can somebody tell me how i can solve this?
And i’m also wondering how i can add a widget where people can click and share my page on facebook or twitter ect.?
thanks a lot,
I was wondering if i could change te width size of my website.
I use the Catch Box theme and saw that on this site:
the width is bigger than on mine:
Can somebody explain me why this is or how i can change this?
]]>I have All In One SEO installed and have been using it for years. I recently changed to catch box theme. On the posts that I have entered info in the plugin, the post title comes up fine. In those that I haven’t, it comes up as
Blog Title Post Title.
I recently changed the theme, I love the layout and look, but my visitors have already dropped substantially and I am sure that this isn’t great for SEO, my page titles in google are messed up.
When I disable the plugin it turns into Blog Title >> Post Title. I have around 300 posts and I really don’t want to be losing the benefit I already have. Is there some solution so that i can keep All in one SEO and the theme running together? I have been looking through the php files but honestly am struggling in that area.
My site:
Here is an example of a post without the All in one info plugged in.
It is also happening in tags.
Appreciate the help!!
]]>-moz-border-radius: 5px;
border-radius: 5px;
these lines in style.css
i need help cause of my site using catch box theme not works well
The post show well on front page : https://vietlawyer.net/
but when i clicked on the post to view full post, it doesn’t show up
you can give a check here :
this problem happened many times on my sites with serveral post . But not all the post won’t show. still have some post show well like this post :
please let me know if you got the same problem and solved it
i use godaddy hosting and installed all new update of theme and plugin …
many thanks