The issue might be related to the German site language. However, the error occurs independent of browser and browser language.
Events URL slug: veranstaltungen
Single event URL slug: veranstaltung
While the individual links are listed (, and individual events show ( the some views are broken:
404 issue #1:
The month view has an invalid URL (
404 issue #2:
Bad category links in both, Event view, and Plugin Admin view (‘Event Categories’):
(Should be
404 issue #3:
Bad tag links in event view (correct in Plugin Admin view):
(Should be
I have tried ..
[1] Checking for plugin conflicts
[2] Purging and reapplying the permalinks
[3[ Deactivating and reactivating the plugin
[4] Editing the individual events
Some stats:
Site Language de_DE
Character Set UTF-8
PHP version 8.0.29
Network Plugins-MU Plugins
ThemeTwenty Twenty-FourMultisite-Views V2 StatusEnabledCustom Tables Migration StatusCompletedCustom Tables Health CheckGood!Settings
WP Timezone Europe/Berlin WP GMT Offset 1 Default PHP Timezone UTCWP Date Format j.n.Y WP Time Format H:i Week Starts On1
]]>We made so by changing the file /wp-content/plugins/filter-everything/src/Walkers/WalkerCheckbox.php adding the following
But we want to keep changes in case the plugin get an update or so.
If we can’t override WalkerCheckbox.php what can we do?
I need to update the default link to which category page is redirected when a user clicks any of the categories on the main page. (from the default function of redirecting it to the woocommerce category page).
As in my website I’ve added independent filter n shop page. which has a different URL altogether. Hence i want to update that.
Can you please guide me where can i change the URL. of the category pages ?
]]>Is there a solution to this problem?
Thank you for your time.
]]>I am totally new and I am trying to build a website using wordpress and I have of course decided to pick the theme Ocean WP.
I am having issue performing this:
1. I have created category such as : Food, Tips, Destinations etc …
2. I would like to create a static page and inside put all my category but not list as bullet point, but in like rectangle then I will add picture.( this part is done)
3. my issue : I can’t find what is the dynamic url for my category, so that when I click on my image, it brings me to the dynamic page with all my post for this category. ( I found the category ID, but can’t figure out how to use it)
Could you please help me.
thanks a lot.
]]>Love the theme, but there’s one bug I like to see fixed. If I want to place a link with the HTML code in the description of a category, I get some code in the left corner of the website. Above the header. I can replicate it on all categories with links in the description. For now I have made a example in the category
I hope it can be fixed.
]]>I’m needing the custom icon link to open to a woo-commerce category page that displays various products associated with the post-based image that was clicked.
Example screenshot mockup
My thoughts, so far I’ve tried adding additional meta icon field to a customizable meta.php, which I’ve placed in my theme folder as described in the visual portfolio documentation.
But I realized I would need to edit the plugins meta box to have an additional icon field and unique URL field.
I’ve been trying to wrap my head around this for over a week.
Please, any help is more than welcomed.