Basically, custom posts are Gutenberg enabled by default, but only if they show up in the Rest API, which came after this last update of this plugin.
I added this code to line ~380 of CCTM.php:
def['show_in_rest'] = true;
I figure since it’s not getting updated again, don’t think patching the plugin that way is too big of a deal. It worked great once I did that.
[]Execute as a MySQL query? Select up to 2 columns: the 1st column will be the visible label and the 2nd column (if present) will represent the value stored in the database. Use [+table_prefix+] instead of hard-coding your WordPress database table prefix.
And the query I am currently using is:
SELECT post_title, ID
FROM [+table_prefix+]posts
WHERE post_type=’clinics’ ORDER BY post_title
…which only returns the post_title as the <option> and the ID is the value of the option. How can I add “cliniccity, clinicstate” to the first result so I have (post_title, cliniccity, clinicstate)?
]]>I have 4 items within my custom post types that I use to link to other pages.
3 of them work correctly, but the 4th one always displays “” for some reason. Is there anything that would cause this?
I have tried changing the post type and the output filter but nothing seems to help.
Thank you
if FIELD !empty
print_custom_field key
print_custom field value
this will be used in single-(CustomPostName).php
Thank You in advice!
]]>I am using CCTM to build a pretty large module. It works fine, however, the client wants three detail pages:
1. A detailpage with all content of the specific item.
2. A detailpage containing just the highlights.
3. A page without styling for printing.
I created a single-modulename.php in my themesmap and this works just fine. So 1 is solved. With a print stylesheet I can tackle 3 as well. That leaves me with 2. Is it possible to just duplicate the single-modulename.php, edit it and use it for point 2?
If so, what are the links or shortcodes I can use?
]]>I have had to restore a website as a clients server was hacked. After restoring the site everything was working but CCTM.
I posted this before:
But this time I have no old site to export a JSON from, is there a way to manualy create this?
How else can I restore this to get the site working?
I see the data in the database I can’t can display it on the page.
Hope you can help.
]]>I am trying to retrieve the URL to the mediafiles, however, I can only find the id (e.g. 6630). I am using the shortcode [+plattegrond+] within [summarize_posts post_type=”woningtype” taxonomy=”category” taxonomy_term=”%%categorie%%” order=”ASC” orderby=”post_title” help=”1″]
[+plattegrond+] of course is an image. I tried all different output filters, but I only get the ID…
Is there any way to get the image url using a shortcode?