But it seems no matter what I try I can’t get the logo to move center. Its stuck in left position and the nav seems to lean more towards right by default.
Can someone please tell me how to center logo image please?
Reason I have header image in logo area is just looks better. When I try to use header to place my image it expands it to full width and distorts image.
Thanks for any help with this.
]]>I tried already to do it by myself and using tips from other WP members but the problem still persists. The header image is not centered and worse, it appears differently in FireFox (the picture looks all the way to the right) and in Google Chrome it looks centered horizontally but lower than it should, which blocks the view of the beginning of text. I tried modifying the ccs and right now its as follows (the website is https://www.luzenelcielo.com/ ):
#header {
background: url(‘images/BrandleHeader.gif’) no-repeat top center transparent;
margin: 0 auto;
height: 548px;
width: 1000px;
#headerimg {
margin: 0 auto;
padding: 0 auto;
height: 144px;
width: 100%;
Thanks in advance!
Here is the site that I’ve built:
Please let me know what rule I should change to adjust the image to be centered. And please, let me know in step by step, I am not a talented web developer! Thanks in advance!
]]>Just started another WordPress blog, and ran into a new problem that I have trawled through Google to find a solution for, but to no avail.
I have removed the Menu and the two black blocks below and above the Header Image. Next, I would like to:
A) Round the corners of the header image.
B) Center the header image.
Would really appreciate any pointers, thanks!
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