Could anyone suggest how to change the size of the image in the Menu Section under “Catering Service’?
I would like to it be approx 2/3 larger than what it is now.
I would like the other images on the Menu page to remain as they are.
Thanks in advance.
]]>How can I change the size of the thumbnails?
Thank you.
]]>I hope someone has the magic code that will help me here.
Thank you in advance.
]]>Two questions:
I’m trying to change the size of my feature image to make it bigger (higher). I’m using the Kahuna theme (the free one). Is there a way I can make all my featured images bigger?
And can I make this image fit better in mobile view? Here the height is good but the width is cropping too much out.
]]>I want to make my blog post page have an image size like the one in the center.
I used this .post-thumbnail img { width: 300px !important; height: auto; }
and also edited the image with direct url with inspector to make you see what I want.
I want the feature image to have a size of 735×1102, then if the width is 300px it can have an auto height.
I love the way related post is showing. Something like that.
I have read a lot of posts on changing the feature image on wp themes. But I’m did not get them.
Please Help!! Thanks
]]>Is it possible to get two images in a row on an iPhone?
They are all below one another on my phone because they don’t fit next to each other.
My page is
]]>I’m trying to change the height of the primary image box. The image with “Making of a murderer” and “Alvin in the Chipmuncks”. This is the site
Can any one tell me where in the CSS I can change the height of the box?
Thank you so much for reading my post!
Below is the code:
* Theme Name: Oxygen
* Theme URI:
* Description: Oxygen is a minimalistic, mobile-optimized magazine theme with responsive layout. The main features include a featured content slider, custom front page template, 5 widget areas, and 3 menus.
* Version: 0.5.4
* Author: AlienWP
* Author URI:
* Tags: fluid-layout, theme-options, threaded-comments, microformats, translation-ready, rtl-language-support, three-columns, right-sidebar, left-sidebar, custom-background, featured-images
* License: GNU General Public License v2.0
* License URI:
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/* Primary menu
-------------------------------------------------------------- */
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/* Dropdowns
-------------------------------------------------------------- */
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/* Secondary menu
-------------------------------------------------------------- */
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/* Dropdowns (secondary)
-------------------------------------------------------------- */
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/* Responsive menus
-------------------------------------------------------------- */
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/* Featured Content (slider)
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/* Featured Content (slider) Navigation
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/* Home
-------------------------------------------------------------- */
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/* Posts
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/* Post excerpts
-------------------------------------------------------------- */
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/* Post metadata
-------------------------------------------------------------- */
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/* Singular post prev/next links
-------------------------------------------------------------- */
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color: #888;
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width: 40%;
text-align: right;
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/* Archive/search pagination and comment pagination
-------------------------------------------------------------- */
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-------------------------------------------------------------- */
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-------------------------------------------------------------- */
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-------------------------------------------------------------- */
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-------------------------------------------------------------- */
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/* Comment form
-------------------------------------------------------------- */
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-------------------------------------------------------------- */
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-------------------------------------------------------------- */
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/* Footer
-------------------------------------------------------------- */
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/* Buttons (submit etc.)
-------------------------------------------------------------- */
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/* Gravity Forms (plugin)
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/* Contact Form 7 (plugin)
----------------------------------------------------- */
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/* Media Queries (mobile browsing)
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/* Menu toggles */
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]]>I had help previously with this query and was able to change to landscape – however it just made the image go over the top of the company tagline if there was one. I ma happy for there to be no company taglines. From memory though it also overlaid the company name which needs to be displayed.
Let me know if I need to request paid development work. I’ve gone back to Job Board Designer who advised me to come back to you as their JBD won’t allow me to change the company logo size.
]]>I tried this CSS code but it didn’t work – could someone advise?
.single .entry-header, .page .entry-header {
height: 200px;
position: centre;