Can i ?
Thank you
I wanted to move the location of the read time so it’s beside the author name inside the posts.
Would you be able to tell me where I would place do_shortcode to do so?
]]>Twenty Sixteen Child Theme
Hello Your plugin is fantastic! I have been trying to write my own solution and finally found yours. It works.
My theme needs the navigation to display in the footer, is there any way to do this? It appears to be wrapped inside the post wrapper.
Any help is appreciated.
Thank you!
]]>i am using this code
add_action( 'do_meta_boxes', 'my_remove_meta_boxes', 0 );
function my_remove_meta_boxes(){
global $wp_meta_boxes;
unset( $wp_meta_boxes['post']['side']['core']['postimagediv'] );
add_meta_box( 'postimagediv', 'Example title', 'postimagediv', 'post', 'normal', 'core');
]]>I am starting to use this marvellous widget in my website. As I wanted to change the blog appearance, I wrote some lines of code in the single template so that if a post belongs to category ‘x’, it is split into two pieces, each of them showed in a different format. Indeed, what it does is to format the post as a textbook page, that is, a wide column with general information and a narrow margin column with figures and specific information. The code loads the post body in a string wich is then split using php explode function. Then css format is given to the outgoing array of strings.
The problem is the star row is located in the margin column instead. Any idea? Can I change the location of widget rows?
Thank you very much.
]]>I’ve been to the Sociable website, i’ve read the “Changing the location of the icons” section, and have successfully made Sociable appear at the top of my posts – great!
BUT! It still appears at the bottom as well, and i’m unsure how to stop that. I do not want Sociable to appear at both the bottom and the top of my posts, JUST the top.
If anyone can point me in the right direction, where should i look? a hack of the core files would do me. Or perhaps I’ve just stupidly overlooked a simple setting somewhere (it IS 2am afterall… =D).
Thanks in advance!
I was just discovering the general settings/options in WordPress and changed the location online of my
I changed from (the original blog root-folder)
to (to the document address which embeds the blog).
Now I cannot access anymore to my blog (error 404) and my blog does not show up anymore correctly (embedded should be visible here:
What can I do???
Please help me out!!!
]]>Any idea on how to change the URL references within WordPress without editing core WordPress files and editing each plugin? Thanks!