Any help would be much appreciated.
the FCKeditor shows up in FireFox, not Internet Explorer.
Is anyone running into this same problem?
Better yet, has anyone found a solution to this problem?
Does anyone have a list of conflicting pluggins?
Does anyone know if ChenPress is even being supported anymore? I went to the Google Groups forum and there are no comments since October. (my recent ones are not showing up either)
I’m really getting frustrated, so I appreciate any help I can get. I like ChenPress, but can’t use it if it won’t work in IE.
]]>You have got me all set now, your theme rocks!
One thing I do not see at this point that was in your previous version was the chenpress plugin that put that really cool WYSIWYG FCKeditor for posts. Is some version of this plugin still compatible?
]]>When I activate the Email Notification plugin Chenpress disspear from the edit box.
]]>== What’s new ==
1. Promote FCKeditor to version 2.0 final.
2. Put all the ChenPress files under one folder so as to reduce confusion.
3. Add a folder “UserFiles” in order to simplify the installation.
== Installation ==
1. Unzip the file, and you will have a “chenpress” folder containing all the ChenPress files.
2. Upload the “chenpress” folder and its contents to your wp-content/plugins directory.
3. Move the folder “UserFiles” to your website’s root (, and set the properties of the folder and its subfolder to 777.
4. Go to the Plugins page in your WordPress Administration area and click ‘Activate’ for ChenPress.
== Download & Support ==
Check the ChenPress’ official support forum:
If you have any question, you can sent email to:
[email protected]
Your email will be transmitted to official support Forum automatically.
Q: What’s the meaning of the plugin name?
A: "ChenPress" just the combine of my name ChenWei and WordPress.
Q: Download?
A: Click here to download ChenPress
Q: install?
Q: Which files have been modified to the default FCKeditor 2.0 FC?
A: I modified only three files:
Q: So, what’s the creative work of ChenPress?
A: Just the file "chenpress.php", whick combine FCKeditor 2.0 FC to WordPress.
Q: How could I make ChenPress suitalbe?
A: Just configuring the following three files:
==== Detail Function Configuration
Q: Can I change the default location of upload files?
A: Just open the file: "chenpress\editor\filemanager\browser\mcpuk\connectors\php"
And modify the parameter: $fckphp_config[‘UserFilesPath’] = "/wordpress/wp-content/files" ;
Q: Can I change the toolbar?
A: Just open the file: "chenpress\fckconfig.js"
And modify the parameter: FCKConfig.ToolbarSets["CPToolbar"] = …
Q: Can I change the smiley?
A: Just open the file: "chenpress\fckconfig.js"
And modify the parameter: FCKConfig.SmileyPath and FCKConfig.SmileyImages
Q: Where is "quicktags"?
A: Just open the file: "chenpress.php", and delete the following code:
// Nuke Quicktages
function nuke_the_quicktags( $lookmanoqtags ) {
$lookmanoqtags = preg_replace(‘|<div id="quicktags">.*?</div>|s’, ”, $lookmanoqtags);
return $lookmanoqtags;}
Q: Support?
A: Here