I’ve been using the method of entering the code manually into my single.php file:
<span class="st_sharethis_hcount"></span>
I’ve tried using
<span class="st_amazonwishlist_hcount"></span>
<span class="st_amazon_hcount"></span>
But those aren’t working. Is it not possible at this point? And if not, any plans for this?
]]>Under “follow Me” on my blog,I have installed an RSS icon.
If I click the chicklet from another computer HTML appears, If I click on the “subscribe in a reader” link, it’s ok
Can anyone help?
Thanks in advance.
My Blog link
I have uninstalled and reinstalled the plugin but the problem persists.
please advice.
]]>I’m attempting to change the appearance of my feedblizt link on my homepage at https://pre-em-i-nence.com. Instead of the “Subscribe by email” with a blank space below, I’m looking to change this to an “envelope” that people can click on to subscribe.
I’ve found various icons, but I don’t know how to add them.
Thanks in advance for your help
Jesse Wisnewski
]]>I received an error message, I then took out one of the https://feeds.feedburner.com, and it worked fine.
Unfortunately this is the link that my RSS subscribe chicklet give out on my blog, how do I change this
]]>>? if (function_exists('chicklet_creator')) { chicklet_creator(); } ?>
to this:
<? if (is_home()) { ?>
<li id="archives" class="widget widget_archive">? if (function_exists('chicklet_creator')) { chicklet_creator(); } ?><h2><?php _e('Archives:'); ?></h2>
<?php wp_get_archives('type=monthly&show_post_count=true&limit=9'); ?></ul>
</li> ...
in sidebar.php and ftp’d up.
The instructions say to insert it before the <h2> archives bit so I did. Have tried various variations. But no luck.
Anyone point me in the right direction?
p.s. I am clueless about php
Chicklet appears presents the buttons in the sidebar while Sociable displays them beneath the article.
Here’s what I am not clear on.
1) Do both plugins do pretty much the same thing or is there an nuance that has not sunk in yet?
2) Is it advisable to use both plugins at the same time or would it be considered overkill?
3) What plugins do others use to accomplish the same thing?
]]>I don’t have such a folder, besides does this plug in just make the icon in side bar, or make the rss feed file aswell?
if it does where is it?