I believe I’ve found the error in shopengine/widgets/cart-table/screens/cart.php
, line 40. The class attribute is being closed before the woocommerce_cart_item_class
filter is echo’d, resulting in invalid markup. Please fix
The fields are not rendering the form-row-first and billing_last_name classes. I am not able to split the form. See https://snipboard.io/Nzdmst.jpg
The Wrapper Class is correct https://snipboard.io/o9CvMi.jpg
I have developed other sites that have the classes and are divided normally, it is as if only the wide class appears.
I looked for something in common on the forum, but I did not find it. The option “Enable placeholder override for address fields.” is activated.
Can anyone help me?
]]>This is the Custom Field I created: https://prnt.sc/I5OjYYCPBOI2
This is the HTML code (i.e., class) I’m trying to add to the field:
I have read and accept your company's <a class="external-link" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Privacy Policy</a>. *
When I save the above, class=”external-link” is automatically stripped (i.e., deleted). When I make any other type of changes, there are no issues.
Please review and provide a fix for this ASAP.
Yes, I disabled all other plugins and changed my PHP level to no avail.
Thank you!
]]>Congrats on this plugin!
I need to change the CSS class of the Shipping Address 1 field on the checkout form (using form-row-last). However, I haven’t been able to achieve this using a PHP function to edit the shipping address filter from WooCommerce.
Do you have a special hook or filter to complete this task? Currently, I can edit the HTML element directly via CSS, but I think it’s better to do it using a PHP function.
]]>I wanted to create comments on my custom CSS code.
The problem is that it’s been a while and it’s not always clear from the id/class name what it refers to. Especially when it’s my own and not some plugin or theme.
That’s why I couldn’t even find some.
There is an option to explore the web and find the desired element with the id/class (either using an online tool or a plugin)
Please help
Thank you
]]>Gutentor Version: 3.3.4
WordPress Verion: 6.6.1
Please tell me how can I do this now? For all pages owned by WordPress itself, the current class is added to the menu items.