The only thing that has me flummoxed and I’m not sure what to do about: In stats, Jetpack shows clicks from my site to other sites. Most are legit — to Flickr, other sites I link to. But there’s a URL that keeps showing up:[different random strings of letters, numbers, and hyphens]. I can’t find anything about this or what it means, and the hosting service didn’t know either. Has anyone else seen this and is it anything to worry about?
]]>On my original site, I remember being able to have the expanding and collapsing folders elegantly and smoothly animate when clicked on. However with this latest version I cannot find any option to do this. Was the feature removed?
]]>Please help
]]>We can change the number of pages/posts/products under display options, I understand that – I’m saying I think the default number should be much higher than 20. If it was at least 100 by default, that would save teams of designers a bunch of time. I think it should default to 200
Also, the number of images in the media area, can we up that default to say 200 also? I do not think any of my 300+ client websites have less than 80 images – the client I’m working on today has 286 images and their site isn’t even launched/live.
Any one else care to share their opinion? Is there a reason why the default pagination settings can’t be higher? Wix, Weebly, Squarespace, Tilda, Duda – are all upping their game to garner market share and they all compare themselves to WordPress, meaning they want more WordPress marketshare. Now that you have this fancy block builder (that I don’t use, it also increases the number of clicks required) I believe taking unhelpful constraints away would make the boat go faster. I personally despise hidden UI too but that’s a discussion for a different post.
Thanks for listening and thanks even more for hearing and deciding to implement this suggestion.
]]>I’m currently building a new driving school project.
I’m searching for a possibility to be able to track where a click hits in a video.
As example: I have a video thats filmed out of a car driving normally on a street. When something like a “risk situation” happens, I want the drive students that watch the video to click on this specific “risk situation” (as example an cyclist that comes out of nowhere). Every click they make should be recorded to evaluate afterwards. The ultimate goal would be to have an automation that tells them x of 10 clicks where right/wrong…
Is there any way to do this / Does anyone has some ideas about this?
sorry for my bad english