I recently tried to import that sql from the dump file and had an error returned to me. Here is the relevant sql code.
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS wp_10_cloud_media_content
/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
CREATE TABLE wp_10_cloud_media_content
varchar(128) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL DEFAULT ”,
/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
— Dumping data for table wp_10_cloud_media_content
LOCK TABLES wp_10_cloud_media_content
/*!40000 ALTER TABLE wp_10_cloud_media_content
ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 39: ClouSE does not support ALTER TABLE with LOCK TABLES.
Any suggestions to make this work? Are their params I need to set on mysqldump or mysql import cmd.
]]>I uploaded clouse- to the root directory of a new server instance for testing.
The install line ./install-clouse is fighting me as it is looking for a local MySQL instance. I tried rewriting “local host” in both instances on (install-clouse) with some.name.rds.amazonaws.com:3306, but it is not resolving and throwing a: Unknown MySQL server host ‘some.name.rds.amazonaws.com:3306’
I know I am doing something wrong…just not what exactly. Any help greatly appreciated.
]]>“Cannot create wp_cloud_media_content table — MySQL error: Unknown table engine ‘ClouSE’ WP2Cloud requires the Cloud Storage Engine for MySQL (ClouSE) to be installed and configured on the MySQL server. As an example of property configured ClouSE and WP2Cloud you can use WordPress on S3 / WordPress to Google.”
How can i resolve this?
]]>1. Does it work with HyperDB plugin
2. Will it work with plugins that create new tables on installation
3. What is a overhead of maintaining a connection with S3 in terms of transfer and requests
4. How big is a working set of data on instance in relation to the full database size
Thanks in advance.
]]>First of all, when downloading the .tar.gz archive I end up with a file with just the .tar extension. The .gz part is dropped from the downloaded file.
Then, when I upload that file to my linux server and try to unzip it with the tar xzf command, I get the following error.
$ tar xzf clouse-1.0b.1.8-linux-x64.tar
gzip: stdin: not in gzip format
tar: Child returned status 1
tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
Please help me w this unzipping. Thank you
]]>Could you please post detailed instruction on how to create and run ClouSE using AWS. (Most people don’t have the luxury of having root access or ability to install ClouSE on a shared hosting)
Detailed instruction (step by step if it is possible please) on how to create a Media Server to run ClouSE using AWS would be a great help.
I’m trying to install WP2Cloud and I’m stuck at this step. For most people, this will be a big turn off for them.
Thank you.
]]>I can’t get past the authentication process. As I type my Google cloud storage credentials and bucket URL (in the format storage. googleapis.com/mybucket), I get the following error message:
Host: storage.googleapis.com: The listObjects’operation for ‘mybucket’ failed. Couldn’t resolve host ‘storage.googleapis.com’.
Also, when I type my bucket URL in my browser, I get:
This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
<Message>Access denied.</Message>
Could you please help me get past this issue?
]]>Lets say a.example.com and b.example.com
have same content. Want to use same database and content stored in S3 via clouse.
Is it possible?
I have one more question will ask @OblackSoft coz thats not wp related.
]]>Is that information stored in wordpress database? Or information_schema?
Can’t really figure the clouse.pdf installation procedure. Is there a way I can do all this via SFTP or SSH? Otherwise CPanel?
As you can tell, I’m not too experienced at databases