So I tried Co-Author Plus and voila! It works perfectly. When I tag an author as co-author using the Co-Author Plus field, the same post shows up in either author’s archive. But I have a problem. Some past posts all of a sudden show several authors as being co-authors to them, which is weird as I have not even touched those articles.
What could be causing this? I’ve deactivated CAP at the moment until someone might be able to shed light on the matter.
]]>Since Yoast 12.4 the meta title on the archive page of our guest authors isn’t displaying the right author anymore.
Instead of the name of the Guest Author (from Co Author Plus), it’s displaying the name of the administrator who created the Guest Author. Before 12.4 the right meta titles were shown.
Something must have been changed. Any idea what’s the problem here?
Regards, Yuri
]]>When using the “co-author plus” plugin, the field for “author” stay blank in the printed page. It’s quite important for us since we publish academic papers.
I’ve noticed that somebody already submitted a bug related to this problem ( but it have been six month since that and my client press me to find a solution. Do you plan to release a fix soon ?
Thank’s in advance!
]]>I just want to perform a check to see if the author/coauthor has either a gravatar or a description set, if not echo out nothing. When there isn’t a gravatar, the divs still remain – so positioning is mucked…
Seems like this should be so easy. I’ve spent hours looking through the plugin code but really cant seem to figure out what to do. What conditional arguments should be there…Please! Anyone with any advice, I would really appreciate it!
global $coauthors_plus;
if (isset($coauthors_plus)) {
$curauth = $coauthors_plus->get_coauthor_by( 'user_nicename', $author_name );
} else {
if(isset($_GET['author_name'])) :
$curauth = get_userdatabylogin($author_name);
else :
$curauth = get_userdata(intval($author));
<article class="author-content">
<div class="author-entry-intro">
<?php echo coauthors_get_avatar( $curauth, 170 ); ?>
<div class="author-details"><h2><?php echo $curauth->display_name; ?></h2>
<p><?php echo $curauth->description;?></p>
]]>I’ve tried other functions like the get_the_coauthor_meta or the_coauthor_meta and nothing seems to happen except the ‘array’ output. What am I missing?
<?php if ( function_exists( 'coauthors_links_single' ) )
{ coauthors_links_single(); }
else {
} ?>