thank you
]]><img src="<?php echo c2c_get_custom("image_thumb", "/wp-content/uploads/headers/", ".jpg", "privateIslandsHeader"); ?>" />
My custom field key is “image_thumb” and my custom field value is the image file name without the extension while using the before as the path and the after as the file extension. I’ve also set the default is case there isn’t a custom field.
My problem is that it is only picking up the default image and not the one designated by the post’s custom field. Any ideas? Any and all insights would be appreciated…
]]>I’m trying to use custom fields and Coffee 2 Code’s Get Custom Field Values plugin to display a custom header image on my posts. I’ve installed the plugin, created the custom field and set it on my posts, set the default in case there is no custom field and inserted the code into my header. It seems to sort of work but pulls up only one photo on every post no matter what, and not the specified custom field for each post that I’ve set. Any ideas? Need more info? Anything??? Thanks so much!
]]>I’m using the Author Image(s) plugin to list the authors on my blog in the sidebar. (
These are my current options in the plugin:
$show_name_AND_image = false; // Set this to ‘true’ to show author’s name immeidately after author image; set to ‘false’ to only show the author image
$show_name_if_no_image = true; // Set this to ‘true’ to show author name if no author image is found; set to ‘false’ to refrain from showing anything if no author image is found
$link_type = ‘posts’; // can be ‘posts’, ‘site’, or ‘none’
// ‘posts’ links author image/name to a page of all of author’s posts on this blog
// ‘site’ links author image/name to the author’s home site, if specified in author’s profile
// ‘none’ does not hyperlink the author’s name
I will now start with guest writers on my blog. Guest writers will not have images to their nicks, so I don’t want them to be listed in the sidebar. I tried this: $show_name_if_no_image = false;
And here’s the problem: The guest writer (which has a nick starting with the letter T) is removed from the sidebar, but one of the authors (which has a nick starting with the letter Y) is also removed. So if a guest writer has a nick starting with A, all the authors will be removed from the list.. Is this a bug in the plugin, or am I doing something wrong?
Maybe it’s possible to exclude users with a level below 3 from the author listing? That would solve my problem, but I’m a newbie, so I don’t know what to do. Can anyone help me?
Thanks in advance!
]]>I want to use the plugin for category images from Coffee2Code:
As I am quite a php beginner, I need help with point 4 of the “installation” list.
What and where am I supposed to replace “the_category()” with “c2c_the_category_image()”? I already replaced it in the Main Template, but it doesn’t work.
Have a look at the site (I just build it up, it’s not finished at all):
Thanks for help!
I’m using the above plugin on my site to extract the latest excerpt for several posts. The links in some cases the titles will be too long. I
I’m using the attribute %URL%
in this case to call the URL.
What I need to do is to truncate the title, and I want to do this without having to resovle using a smaller font – the reason is, that several titles will be incredibly long, and I can’t change the font size for each and everyone otherwise it will become invisible.
Does anyone know how to do this?
Site is here:
]]>Category 1 [XML]
– Title of the last article in that category (data)
– Title of the previous article in that category (data)
– Title of the third article ordered by data descending (data)
Category 2 [XML]
– The same thing, three articles by data descending
… and so on
any idea? thanks
]]>My recent comment plugin display in format of nick @ topic. Nick will link to comment author website(if submited), topic will link to the comment permalink, AND mouseover to preview the comment text!
(Note: not my original code, I merely modify the code to suit my need. Hope this is useful for some.)
]]>Here’s the template:
<?php /*
Template Name: ReviewMain
if ($posts) { $pcount_lp = sizeof($posts); foreach ($posts as $post) {start_wp();?>
<div class="entry">
<div class="navcontainer">
<ul id="navlistupper">
<li id="eleven"><a href="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>/the-author">BOOK</a></li>
<li id="twelve"><a href="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>/the-site">FILM</a></li>
<li id="thirteen"><a href="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>/the-design">MUSIC</a></li>
<li id="fourteen"><a href="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>/the-contact">GAME</a></li>
/////// I want to replace this code with the code below ///////////
the_date('','<h2 class="entrydate2">','</h2>');
<h3 class="entrytitle2" id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>"><a href="<?php echo get_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link: <?php the_title(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h3>
<div class="entrybody2"><strong><?php the_author() ?> wrote this <?php the_time(); ?>:</strong>
<?php the_content();?></div>
/////// I want to replace this code with the code below ///////////
<?php }?>
<?php } else { // end foreach, end if any posts ?>
<div class="entrybody">Sorry, no posts matched your criteria.
<?php } ?>
<?php get_footer(); ?>
coffee2code code:
<ul class="point">
<?php c2c_get_recent_posts ($num_posts = 5,
$format = "<li>%post_date%: %post_URL%
$categories = '11 12 13 14',
$orderby = 'date',
$order = 'DESC',
$offset = 1,
$date_format = 'm/d/Y',
$authors = '',
$include_passworded_posts = false); ?>
Thanks in advance