…only rendered as graphics on-the-fly and cached by the plugin.
The primary use of the plugin is for decorative post titles in radical fonts, but it can be used for any text on the blog (to render it as a graphic-font). It can be used inside a post using RunPHP, and I can use it in my sidebar. Here’s what works for static text:
<?php echo ImageHeadline_render( 'Welcome Music Fans','font_size=14' ); ?>
Here’s something that I got to work for dynamic text (the_date),
<?php echo ImageHeadline_render(
the_date('','','',false), 'font_size=14'); ?>
So that leads me to believe I can put dynamic text — text from a function, I mean, if I’m saying it right. I don’t know much PHP, I’m in over my head here.
This is what I’m trying to get to work:
<?php echo ImageHeadline_render(
wp_list_categories('show_count=1&orderby=ID'), 'font_size=14'); ?>
It does not work. Any ideas? Is my syntax wrong, or this is just impossible what I want to do?
]]>My problem is: even after chmod’ing the cache folder to 777, I still get ERROR saying the folder isn’t writeable – Why? How can I get around this? What could be wrong?
FATAL: The directory you specified to cache the image files is not writeable from the Apache task. Either select a different directory or make the directory you specified writable by the Apache task (chmod 755 the directory).
The plugin advises 755 for the cache. Users in other threads reported that some Host configurations require 777. (There’s another thread about security if you must use 777). I tried both 755 and 777.
I’m moving servers. On the old server, Image Headlines Plugin worked perfectly & I love it so much, my site design depends on it. I need to get it working for 2 blogs on the new server. Both servers are at the same Host, but totally different servers. The new server has a higher version of PHP, which is why I’m moving.
In summary, do you think my problem lies with:
I’m using the wrong path?
I’ve tried trailing-slash, no trailing slash, etc.
I need to mess with chmod, or htaccess?
I need to erase the plugin and reinstall it?
I messed something up in moving files or database from 1 server to the other?
Other things to try?
I haven’t upgraded WP yet, it’s the same WP that was working with this plugin on the old server. I’ve spent 3 hours flipping the same options around and nothing works, I’m perplexed & I really want this plugin working again!
]]>However, I realized that the checker isn’t catching my errors. Even when I type “jasfiosdfoasdfsf”, the spell check says: “no misspellings found”.
Did I miss a step here?
]]>(According to Yosemite, in the above thread) My hosting environment needs a plugin directory (image-headlines) to be CHMODED to 777 in order to function.
Is this, or is this not a security vulnerability?
-If so, what are possible consequences?
-Can somebody modify/delete my files?
-Exploit my php?
-If so how can I prevent it while maintaining 777?
Thanks in advance!
]]>Is anyone else having this problem.
Other than this, this plugin is just freakin’ awesome!