[expand title="YOU QUALIFY FOR A NHS FUNDED EYE EXAMINATION IF YOU ARE:" trigclass="arrowright greybar"]
[/expand] [expand title="YOU QUALIFY FOR AN OPTICAL VOUCHER TOWARDS THE COST OF YOUR GLASSES IF YOU ARE:" trigclass="arrowright greybar"]kjshfskdjhf askjfhaskldjf TEXT HERE
I would like to put the “text here” into bullet points. It would be amazing if I could put the collapsed text into 2 columns also but Im assuming this would be a bit more complicated so Im not set on it.
]]>I am guessing it’s probably JS related, but I am not sure what would have caused it or how to fix.
Any help would be appreciated.
]]>I am using the following css in the themes custom css section, but there is no effect on the live site:
.collapseomatic a {
color: #0099b0!important;
text-decoration: none;
.collapseomatic a:hover {
color: #0099b0!important;
.collapseomatic a:active {
color: #0099b0!important;
Here is the shortcode being used on the page:
[expand title=”Read more ?” swaptitle=”? Close” trigclass=”noarrow”]
The desired end result is that “Read More ?” takes the style of collapseomatic.
Any thoughts?
]]>title="my title blah blah blah"
portion of the collapseomatic shortcode.
You see, when I tried to use a superscript tag to show the ‘registered trademark’ icon above and smaller than the ‘regular’ text, it broke the line’s formatting, like so: https://cloudup.com/cZ46hDMLNdz
This is how the shortcode was formulated in the back end, using the block editor custom HTML block: https://cloudup.com/cPENY5D_Pvp
I also tried the HTML character code for this, to test it out, but it also didn’t work. It was set up like so: https://cloudup.com/cxdd-xPkkzv
The <sup></sup>
tag works on all our other headings and in text using HTML. According to this resource, it should display with the following CSS rules:
sup {
vertical-align: super;
font-size: smaller;
So I tried adding that manually with a span style tag in the expand title area, but it also didn’t work.
This is how it should appear: https://cloudup.com/c9Fw8ePiPx9
I tried looking at your documentation to see if there are any rules with allowed HTML tags in the title of an expand shortcode, but didn’t see any (not sure if I missed it, if so, I apologize).
Do you know why this is happening and how we can avoid this issue?
Right now, the registered trademark icon is showing full size, and kind of makes things hard to read.
This isn’t a problem with the traditional, “TM” which I guess is a character that shows as superscript automatically. Here is an example of that one working in the expand title, and without needing any HTML tags to show up that way: https://cloudup.com/c3C4dGUBJQC
But the “registered” icon does not do that as a character without the sup tag, and we need it to, to display properly.
]]>Please see the issue on my site (on mobile specifically!)
For whatever reason, buttons automatically re-collapse on-click, UNLESS they are tapped and the screen is dragged a bit while holding down the tap. Then, the “default” state is reversed, and a tap only makes it open-shut / shut-open starting with the other action.
I have no idea what could be causing this. Each button element has the following collapse-o-matic attributes:
classes: collapseomatic noarrow colomat-visited
rel: button-highlander
And then the content within is of course classed as “collapseomatic_content”
Thanks for any advice! The desired behavior is that a tap on a button opens the content without any issues, and this stays open until the original button is tapped again (basically, what you’d expect ^^)
]]>I have three consecutive Collapseomatic triggers. At one point, the first one was working, but the second and third one were not. They were uncollapsed by default, and were behaving strangely when I collapsed them. Now, it doesn’t seem like they’re working at all. I am using the latest version of Collapseomatic.
You can see the implementation here: https://adaptiva.staging.wpengine.com/careers/
All three triggers have basically identical markup:
[expand title="Digital Marketing Manager" tag="h3" id="job_title"]
<p style="text-decoration: underline;">...</p>
]]>Any thoughts on why this might be? Or if it’s fixable?
Here’s the site:
I have tried to look for the code that fixes the height of the content in the theme with no luck. I would appreciate assistance on this one.
]]>Could someone please let me know what I’m doing wrong!?
This is what I think it should be(?)
[expand title=”Question 1″]
Answer 1
[expand title=”Question 2″]
Answer 2
[expand title=”Question 3″]
Answer 3
But what it ends up looking like is this:
?Question 1?Question 2?Question 3
What I really want is this:
?Question 1
Answer 1
?Question 2
Answer 2
?Question 3
Answer 3
Any help would be much appreciated !! Thanks!
]]>echo do_shortcode('[expand]'.sss.'[/expand]');
is just fine in post content.
but i had to include the shortcode in a php file…and then, shortcode is being processed, but the contents won’t be set to hide/show by clicking anymore. any idea?
generated code looks alright to me, just the colomat-visited class is not added by the script…
<span id="id8696" class="collapseomatic " title="" tabindex=""></span>
<div id="target-id8696" class="collapseomatic_content ">xxxx</div>
with just one panel it works alright through inclusion.