How to show more columns? each category has its own column.
I have a row with four columns and would like to be able to adjust the column size to something more precise than 5-10-15-20-etc. I know it’s possible but I don’t know if I have to activate something or not.
For example, you can see here the adjustment tool that I currently have (5 by 5) and here the one that I would like to have (more precise).
How do I achieve that/activate this feature?
Thank you very much for your help and for this wonderful plugin!
]]>The “Title” column under “Pages” in my WordPress admin view is not displaying correctly. I’m unsure how to fix this.
Any guidance would be appreciated.
trying to create a table for a hockey league, but still can’t find the opposite of the “overtime loss” column in the configuration page. There is the “overtime loss” so I guess there has to be “overtime wins” too?
]]>The edit product page layout displays all but Product Description box on the right side (see screenshot). Drag and drop does not work. Clicking ” ^ ” only moves the menu top-button on the same column. 1 column stacks all menus on top of each other.
Tried all common solutions ( I know and found) including reinstalling WordPress and Woocommerce, but nothing works.
Kindly advise.
Thank you.
Khaled A.
Oddly enough if I take the same cell data and make a 7th row that will also show but hide the 6th row completely
In essence, this is what is being hidden…
<th class=”ninja_column_5 ninja_clmn_nm_etc” style=”display: table-cell;” scope=”col”>Details</th>
that code is greyed out in inspector
Any ideas? Thanks.
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<h2 class="title">Structural Steel</h2>
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<div class="section-title">About</div>
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Jay's Structural division is a subsidiary of Jay's Metal Products Ltd., specializing in structural building solutions tailored for commercial, retail, and industrial projects. Holding certification from the Canadian Welding Bureau (CWB), we offer expertise in the fabrication and erection of steel columns, beams, in-house joists, stairs, and railings.
We take a holistic approach to client needs by offering in-house drafting, fabrication, and on-site erection to complete a project life cycle. To plan and design projects, minimize complexities, and ensure structural integrity, we use the latest Building Information Modeling technology (BIM).
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<div class="section-title">Contact</div>
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Phone: (587) 287-1093
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<div class="section-title">Projects</div>
<div class="section-content">Coming Soon!</div>