I am looking at using a colvis button to make a number of columns visible or hidden by the user. Each of these columns needs a column dropdown filter as well. I don’t want to be able to see the column dropdown filter for any columns that are not visible.
]]>Unfortunately with row grouping this does not work properly. Whilst the column is added fine, the colspan of the grouped rows is not increased, and hence those rows have one less column in. This mucks up the formatting. The colspan of grouped rows should get incremented when a column is made visible, and decremented when a column is hidden.
]]>Thanks for all the support you give this plugin. I am using buttons on my site and when I deselect all columns so none are visible, then add them again the table width gets set to be 300px times how many columns are visible. Just wondering why and how to stop it. Thanks! Page viewing password is: icanparty.
]]>Is it possible to hide specific columns by default, but give visitors the option to un-hide the columns they wish to see.
An example would be colvis with a default setting.
]]>currently my “DataTables defaults object” Inline Google Spreadsheet Viewer Settings
plugin section looks like this
"dom": "B<'clear'>lfrtip",
"paging": false,
"buttons": []
i’m trying to hide text in the bottom of the google sheet
“Showing …. entries”
I googled that this should look like
"bInfo": false
but after saving changes i’m getting empty “DataTables defaults object”
what should i use to hide “showing … enetires”?
problem #1
colvis is nice option, but i don’t know how to translate it to russian and how to apply style for this plugin.
"buttons": [
when i apply in the “DataTables defaults object” it doesn’t work
"language": {
"url": "dataTables.russian.lang"
please help
Best regards
]]>I have a table and I have enter this code:
“order”: [[ 1, ‘asc’ ]], “aoColumnDefs”: [ { “bVisible”: false, “aTargets”: [ 5,6 ] } ], “columnDefs”: [ { “visible”: false, “targets”: [ 3,4 ] } ], “oColVis”: { “aiExclude”: [ 0,1,2,5,6 ] }
The columns 3 and 4 aren’t show but I don′t know how include button to show the columns.
Thank you
]]>Looking for potential errors, I have seen this Console Error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘colVis’ of null
For the file: igsv-datatables.js?ver=4.2.2:16
Going inside the js file, the error is specifically in the condition of this IF:
if (igsv_plugin_vars.datatables_defaults_object.colVis) {
jQuery.extend(true, dt_opts, {'colVis': igsv_plugin_vars.datatables_defaults_object.colVis});
What can I do to fix this problem?
In my official website I installed again the previous release of the Plugin and it works properly.
Kindly Can you help me?
If this is a bug, I hope that this report can help to fix it for the next release.
Kind regards.
Girolamo Aloe
]]>Can someone give me some quick pointers on how to implement this option or point me in the right direction? My table ID is 2 if needed (table id=2). I saw the extension .js files but still couldn’t figure out what to do. Are those the files that I should be dealing with?
]]>I’d like the ability to filter and remove columns.
this is the shortcode I’m using:
[table id=1 datatables_colvis=true datatables_columnfilterwidgets=true datatables_columnfilterwidgets_exclude_columns=1,2,3,4 datatables_columnfilterwidgets_separator=, /]
link to my post with the datatable: