I want the Post Date, category of post, and author to appear right below the post title.
And I want the comment counter to appear below the post.
BTW this occurs when on the Home page and I see my recent posts with the title and brief summery.
]]>PS I am very academic and tech savvy but not with IT. Treat me as wordpress newbie
]]>I would like to replace the “Read more” text from the_content(“Read more”);
– “Read more” if there is no comment
– “Read more and the comment” if there is one comment
– “Read more more and the X comments” if there is more comments
I have tried:
the_content(“Read” . comments_number(‘more’, ‘more and the comment’, ‘more and the % comments’ ));
It shows “Read” a the bottom of the article with the link and “more and the 2 comments” at the top of the article with no link… so it does not works…
If someone can help me that would be great.
Thank you
I was wondering if there was a function that allows the number of views to be shown on the homepage as well?
Additionally, (and I understand this is a stretch) can you make it to where the comment number only shows up if there are actually comments on the article?
Thanks in advance for any and all help!
]]>I’ve been able to change the transparency and make minor CSS changes to the theme. One place I’m stuck is on the comments toggle, the bubble with the comment number inside that links to the comments page. I think that’s the “comment toggle”. I would like to either darken the number or change the color of the comment bubble. Can someone point me to the code for this?
My blog is: https://alwayswellwithin.com
Thanks very much!
]]>Some of the issues were based off of DISQUS’s need to insert ‘view comments’ where the comment count would normally have been in my theme. Other issues were related to the comments not showing up at all.
I found, after a LOT of research, that most of the ‘fixes’ listed around the net aren’t updated to the most recent versions of WP. And after a lot of frustration I found that someone had managed to hack together [or at least hack out some of DISQUS’s idiocy] and get it all to play nice.
In the interests of making your life easier and [for when it updates and I have to redo the hacks] all that, I’m posting the link I found and the coding changes you will need to make to fix it. These fixes are different from the DISQUS RSS breakage thread [closed] that is already on the forum.
Solution found by: EVAN WONDRASEK
Step 1: Edit the file /wp-content/plugins/disqus-comment-system/disqus.php
Step 2: Locate the following code at line 692:
function dsq_comments_number($count) { global $post; if ( dsq_can_replace() ) { return '<span class="dsq-postid" rel="'.htmlspecialchars(dsq_identifier_for_post($post)).'">'.$count.'</span>'; } else { return $count; } }
Replace it with:
function dsq_comments_number($count) { global $post; return $count; }
***[sic]There was no step 3 listed.***
Step 4 (optional – this will fix comment counts in the front-end of your blog if using the comments_number() function in your theme): Locate the following code at line 697:function dsq_comments_text($comment_text) { global $post; if ( dsq_can_replace() ) { return '<span class="dsq-postid" rel="'.htmlspecialchars(dsq_identifier_for_post($post)).'">View Comments</span>'; } else { return $comment_text; } }
Replace it with:
function dsq_comments_text($comment_text) { global $post; $number_of_comments = get_comments_number(); return $number_of_comments; }
I hope this helps you avoid the hair tearing I had to go through. So far I’ve had no bad results from doing this hack.
]]>Any idea of what I’m doing wrong?
Many thanks