You should contact the Glossary plugin support and ask them to support the WordPress native (core) <?php comments_template() ?> function, so the wpDiscuz will work fine. The wpDiscuz can’t be loaded without the function.”.
See here: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/wpdiscuz-on-glossary/#post-16057806
Please update that, so that wpDiscuz/Comments can be loaded on Glossary Pages.
REQUIRED: Could not find?comments_template. See: comments_template <?php comments_template( $file, $separate_comments ); ?>
RECOMMENDED: No reference to?add_theme_support( “custom-header“, $args )?was found in the theme.
RECOMMENDED: No reference to?add_theme_support( “custom-background“, $args )?was found in the theme
INFO: Possible hard-coded links were found in the file?footer.php
INFO: Only one text-domain is being used in this theme. Make sure it matches the theme’s slug correctly so that the theme will be compatible with www.ads-software.com language packs
1. Let me preface this by saying that I am just trying to create a theme for myself, not to upload it to the repository. I do not want any pages or posts that support comments so I removed that from all of my template files. Why do I have to add comments_template?
2. I’m doing all of the CSS for my site so I do not want custom header or custom background options in my theme. I commented out the following to hope the errors would go away but they didn’t:
'default-color' => 'ffffff',
'default-image' => '',
require get_template_directory() . '/inc/custom-header.php';
Should I ignore those “RECOMMENDED” lines?
And finally, here is the footer code that came when I downloaded _s though i/ did change the URL:
printf( esc_html__( '© 2020 - Theme Name: %1$s by %2$s.', 'tower' ), 'tower', '<a href="https://kernixwebdesign.com/">James Kernicky</a>' );
Why would I get an “INFO” error if that is what _s included? Also, how do I make the copyright date dynamic? I did get something to do that with variable but then I got more errors.
Sorry for all the questions but I’m starting to get overwhelmed. A link to a blog post covering the plugin and errors would be great.
]]>I’m relatively new to WP, so forgive my indiscretions.
I have a library of information that I can list to a user. I have a custom php file that generates this, and I just display it in a page. When a user clicks on an element in the library, they get a detail of it. All the while, I have not left the page.
What I would like to do is provide the ability to have comments display uniquely for each element in the library. I dont want to create a unique page for everything in the library, since all the content is built on demand. It “seems” like I want to create a “page_id” based on what element I want, and then when I pull up the comments_template, it will retrieve it for that page_id. I just assume I can do something like this. Does anyone have a suggestion on the course I should pursue? Does this make sense? All of my research has been in vain to this point. Thanks,
]]>There is this post about the difference between comments_template() and comment_form.
That makes sense, from a hierarchical standpoint I’m not sure though. I’m creating my own WP template but the default fields that the form return are good enough for me. So I don’t need to do any customization, I just use CSS to style the default one, suing its classes and JS to add the ones that I want to add. I tried using the following in my single.php:
// we display comments
$comments = get_comments(array(
// 'status' => 'approve',
$args = array(
'reverse_top_level' => false
wp_list_comments($args, $comments);
//we display the comments template
comment_form(); we use this as opposed to comments_template();
This works partially, the only problem is that, it will display all my comments in every single post page. Not the comments that belong to a particular post. Can anyone provide more insights in why this is happening? I feel that I’m missing something. And also, if one could expand more on comments_template() vs comment_form() it will be highly appreciated it.
]]>The site is using the most recent version of WordPress and all it’s plugins. I’ve tried deactivating plugins and removing any comment related code in the theme files including the body of comments.php to no avail. Even with WP_DEBUG set to true I’m not getting any sort of error generated or logged anywhere that I or my host can find.
Any idea what might be causing the page output to fail on comments_template.php?
]]>“Hello, this is an example
I want to be able to parse the non ascii characters they wrote between the tags and perform some operations to them. For example, maybe every character needs to have a space inserted before/after it. Or I want to format them as table cells, etc..
I built my own wordpress theme, by reading the documentation, and I am using <?php comments_template();?> to call the default wordpress comment stuff. I just styled it in css. But I can’t figure out where to begin. I mean, I guess I could do the operations in JS when the user submits the reply form, but I think there must be a PhP way built into wordpress already. Thank you!
Please note that what I want to do is not simply bbcode. I want to be able to completely parse the text.
]]>i researched quite a bit but couldnt find an answer for this :
I want to replace the comment template of the theme (comments.php or whichever it is using) totally with my own function or comments.php in plugin.
In short, i want to totally override the theme’s entire commenting template.
I was able to find this recommendation in stack exchange for this :
add_filter( “comments_template”, “my_custom_function”,0 );
However, this just filters the function, and my function just runs before comments_template, leading comments_template to STILL run after itself and load up the commenting template from the theme.
What should i use to accomplish this ?
]]>– just need to add a description to the actual comments box in the comments section of my site. The Name, Mail and Website boxes are all labeled, but the comments box has no label next to it and I simply want to add something like “Write your comment here”, but can’t find any way to customize it. I’ve read that it should be do-able in the comment.php file, but when I open that up I can’t find where to make the change.
comments_form appears to be easier to customize, but when I try to switch over to that it the comments that are already there disappear. I’d be fine with doing it this way or some other way too, just need to have everything there, and have the comments box labeled.
Can anyone help me please? thanks!!
here’s the page that i’m working on: https://www.visionlossandpersonalrecovery.com/jean-courcy/
]]>Thanks, Albru.
]]>The problem is when displaying the comments for that special page, id=67. When a user submits a comment for page id=67, it is putting the comment in the first post of the recently traversed category 10 loop….not in the page id=67.
I am thinking of a way where the current id will be set back to page id=67 after traversing a WordPress loop in a category. Maybe this way, comments will be saved to page id=67 accordingly.
Here’s my code for the add_filter hook:
add_filter( 'the_content', 'the_content_for_67' );
function the_content_for_67($content){
if (is_page(67)){
$recent = new WP_Query('cat=10&showposts=10');
while($recent->have_posts()) : $recent->the_post();
$content .= "<div class='list_post_boxer'>" .
"<div class='list_post_boxer_thumbnail'>";
if( get_post_meta($post->ID, 'home_3videos', true)){
$content .= get_post_meta($post->ID, 'home_3videos', true);
} else {
$content .= get_the_post_thumbnail($page->ID, array(200,150));
$content .= "</div><ul><li><a href='" . get_permalink() . "'>" . get_the_title() . "</a></li></ul></div>";
return $content;
Or perhaps, there are other solutions. Thanks in advance for the help.