Thanks for creating and maintaing this wonderful plugin. I just used it on my test site and amazed to see the login attempts and those blocked by plugin with community feature on.
I have a question regarding the other security plugins that I use and what settings should I keep on your plugin that does not conflict with the existing plugin.
Plugin 1: Headers Security Advanced & HSTS WP:
Plugin 2: BBQ Firewall – Fast & Powerful Firewall Security :
Plugin 3: Blackhole for Bad Bots :
Question 1: Because Apocalypse Meow has it’s own spam protection, so in that case should I keep BBQ Firewall and Blackhole for Bad Bots active or should I remove it.
Question 2: As I am using Headers Security Advanced & HSTS WP plugin. It’s just plug and play and I don’t need to make any changes in User Enumeration, Core & Template Overrides and Request Header Settings.
Please help me in making these decisions as I am not very tech savvy.
I also want to know why you have kept such a low visibility of this plugin, with such awesome features this could be the one of the top security plugins on WordPress Store.
I saw this plugin when I was searching for the keyword MEOW. You might have some sentimental value for this keyword, but I think that might be keeping this plugin visibility under the cloud.
This is just a suggestion
I am sorry for this long post, but I said what I thought of. Hope you don’t mind.
]]>I use Elementor Pro on a clients website and the basic version of “the events calendar”.
First, everything worked great, but now I cannot open the Elementor Editor to work on particular events anymore. The Elementor Button is greyed-out and not clickable anymore.
I am not 100% sure, but I suppose the issue occurred after the update to the latest PHP version. Could the update cause the problem?
Since the Elementor Support told me, that there aren’t any issues in their side, I’d like to ask you for support.
Can you help to fix the issue so that I can work with the Events Calendar again?
Where does this issue come from?
Thank you!
]]>Users of the Site Kit plugin have reported crashes in the plugin, when investigating the issue we found that it only occurs when Transliterator plugin is installed and this has been confirmed two users and via test sites.
The issue appears to be that the json_encoded output of our plugins REST endpoint, when updated, are being restructured. Arrays are instead being converted to numerically keyed objects:
I took a quick look at the plugin code and couldn’t immediately see where in the code this is likely to be happening. Are you able to fix this issue?
]]>Attempted Solutions:
Request for Assistance: I would greatly appreciate your help in resolving this issue please.
]]>Warning: Undefined variable $args in /home/u545326625/domains/ on line 175
Warning: Undefined variable $args in /home/u545326625/domains/ on line 175
]]>I have been in contact with the RML Plugin author who concluded that he found it too complicated to also copy the Sublanguage data when creating links in RML. From a Sublanguage Plugin perspective, is there something I can do to modify the process that creates the links so that all metadata including translations are copied?