What _does_ it do?
]]>I am using avada theme and single listing page not displaying all the values I have added to the listing. Price, date not displaying. I have added custom fields in the listing, those are also not displaying on front end. Here is the link
Can you please let me know what is the issue?
]]>I having been following the video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IjmaXz-b55I which is provided with the plugin Shortcodes Ultimate and seeking to follow the tips provided. One of the first is to check the box for ‘Compatibility mode’ under the settings tab for the plugin. However, the available options that I have in my settings page for this plug-in are considerably fewer than those displayed in the video and the above tick box is absent. Does the video refer to a more advanced version of Shortcodes Ultimate than the base version provided at the installation stage?
]]>Would it be possible to remove the use of @session_start() from the wp-spamshield plugin? That can cause performance problems with locking.
Thanks for the response.
So I have set compatibility mode for Accordion Shortcodes but cannot get a result.
What i’ve done is: added to wp-config.php
/*NIL - added compatibility mode script for Accordion Shortcodes plugin. */
define('AS_COMPATIBILITY', true);
* WordPress Database Table prefix.
Changed my accordion code to:
`[as-accordion clicktoclose=”true” openfirst=”false” openall=”false” scroll=”30″]
[as-accordion-item title=”AUSTRIA” id=”Austria” class=”Austria”]
Plus added as- in front of all my css, but still the accordion is produced on page but is not ‘active’ (all accordion-items are open).
The site is in local dev at the moment. Could you kindly help with just these details?
While there seem to be no visual problem with a plain site and simple content, when adding more and more complexity and modern HTML5 code, the mode shall not be IE7 and compat mode, but bleeding edge.
The attempt to use a plugin by using custom plugin to hook into wp_head to add
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
Does NOT work. The IE browser still defaults to IE7Compat due to policy.
Expected result:
Using system hook wp_head with lowest prio number should have enabled us to effectively apply the meta instruction.
Cause of issue:
2015 does not allow to apply this meta rule, apparently as of other instructions hardcoded in the themes header.php.
The prime culprit sees to be
According to the meta rules, this meta must appear early in header, best next to title tag
A) Editing 2015 theme directly, moving script tag after
<?php wp_head(); ?>
==>Bad to touch orig theme
==>Intentions of script may be compromised if loaded last in header
B) Child theme
==>Requires full replacement/clone of original header.php, merging on updates require manual interaction
C) Injecting directive in http header (not tried in WP)
a) A “primeHead” action? (really is inserting directly AFTER head-tag) so it can be utilised by plugins or themes
b) replacing script function (causing trouble) by something else
c) offering built-in theme functionality (perhaps for all WP themes, switchable in case some plugins are also using it)
What is your opinion?
PS: some source: https://www.modern.ie/en-us/performance/how-to-use-x-ua-compatible
]]>How can I fix this??
]]>Is this plugin planning any future releases or add ons? I ask because I would like this plugin to be able to differentiate between compatibility mode and non-compatibility mode for specific versions in Internet Explorer. Specifically, I would like this browser detection pop-up to turn on for website visitors using IE 9 in compatibility mode, but not turn on for IE 9 non-compatibility mode. Please let me know if this is something you are planning in a future release.
]]>I am desperately trying to put nested spoilers into my work and I can’t get them to work at all. I don’t have this option on Shortcodes Ultra but have been adding the manual code:
[spoiler title=”Master Spoiler”] etc
[_spoiler title=”Nested Spoiler”]Hidden content[/_spoiler]
but it doesn’t work. Is it because I’m inputing it manually, should I search for a plugin for this specific feature?
Also I see a lot on here about ‘Compatibility Mode’ under Settings but I can’t for the life of me see it. Can you help with this?
Many thanks,
]]>I am desperately trying to put nested spoilers into my work and I can’t get them to work at all. I don’t have this option on Shortcodes Ultra but have been adding the manual code:
[spoiler title=”Master Spoiler”] etc
[_spoiler title=”Nested Spoiler”]Hidden content[/_spoiler]
but it doesn’t work. Is it because I’m inputing it manually, should I search for a plugin for this specific feature?
Also I see a lot on here about ‘Compatibility Mode’ under Settings but I can’t for the life of me see it. Can you help with this?
Many thanks,