The top two in my screenshot are done using native functionality. The bottom two are done using some HTML along with blank plugin hours. It would be great for the plugin to consolidate hours to 24 Hours and/or 7 Days rather than using Sun-Sat which can be confusing to some customer.
Thank you!
]]>1. When inserting post link titles it should insert the post’s name instead of the URL. This is how the old editor did it which is much more SEO/human friendly. People like titles over clunky URL’s for names. Also note that the site’s domain is included which is redundant due to folks knowing where they are viewing.
On a side note the padding between the suggested post titles feels too crowded. The old editor had perfected this. Also if “Link Settings” (triple dot) showed a field for the link title this would be an additional improvement. The old editor allowed you to edit the title in the advanced link settings. Took me a bit of time to realize you have to edit the text to edit the link title.
2. Re-usable blocks are a little trickier to use when making modifications. For example if you create a paragraph or other block type and set it to re-usable you have to manually click “Edit” each time you want to make changes to that block. However a non-reusable paragraph block you can click the block and start modifying the text right away which is a bit easier. Aside from clicking the “Edit” button being inconsistent; it’s more work.
3. Currently it feels like a little more effort to create lists and other DOM elements due to blocks being so segregated. For example if I create a paragraph block and want to add a list for easy points I have to create a new block instead of it being readily available. With the old editor you could click the bullet point button and start creating points right away. Semantically the DOM elements need to be separated; however blocks could store both sets of DOM elements. The HTML comment <!– wp:paragraph –> could decipher where the blocks begin/end.
4. Consider consolidating the cog icon that shows/hides the right side bar into the “More” menu and putting it under the “Writing” heading. This way it doesn’t feel like a bunch of options but is fairly obvious where to toggle the sidebar display.
]]>Take two existing WP blogs–each from a different site–and a phpbb forum–on a subdomain of one of the wpblog sites and serve them up to a new site on a new server with a third blog just for that site?
This way info from the business site–maintained and operated separetely and info from the media site–both blog and forum–again blogged, updated and controlled as a separate entity–can all be accessed and linked to and read from a new site which only has minor new content added to it as needed. This new site will also be the public face and access point of the other 2 blogs and forum, even though they will still be accessed on there own as need be.
Does this sound crazy or what? I know it can be done via RSS hookups, but has anyone seen a great example of it being done–especially when all the content is generated in house and not just as a info-farm. . . .
I’d really like to keep all of this in a wordpress-like platform if possible so that everyone who contributes can tackle any part of the whole.
]]>I have a few blogs on my server. I wanted to make a new blog that uses the posts from these other blogs so I can create one big place for the entire field of posts.
Can anyone direct me how to do this? All blogs are using WP 2.2 and on same server (which I own).