I tried clearing my cache. I switched from Safari to Chrome.
I have read some tips on the web (searching forums here didn’t find this issue) that suggest there is a coding problem, but instructions for fixing it were not clear to me, as I am only familiar with editing websites, not creating them from scratch.
]]>After upgrade all link libraries worked normally. I changed “Show Link Updated Flag” to disable and used “Save Settings” for one link library.
Directly after that, the site stopped working. I mean only the subsites which should shows each link libraries.
=> https://blackseals.net/links/bricks/
=> https://blackseals.net/links/roadster/
=> https://blackseals.net/links/diablo/
I see an 404 error message => Content not found. If I remove all shortcuts like [link-library settings=1], then the subsite work normal (without any content).
edit: I already tried going to the Permalinks section and re-save my settings.
edit2: I found the problem. It work if the link-site has as parent the main site. If the link-site has a different site (subsite), then I see an error.
edit3: It seems to me the problem is a litte bit different. It looks like Link Library use as permalink the same name as my subsite. Is it possible to change that in Link Library? I mean changing blackseals.net/links/link-category/link-name to blackseals.net/linklibrary/link-category/link-name?
Please for help.
best regards, Andyt
]]>I have a WordPress website called vinayrao.in
It uses this Portfolio-based theme called Worx that I bought from the Envato market.
And it is hosted on Bluehost.
I am not able to see any content, once I click on any of the 6 project thumbnails, on the static front page / WORK page — as clicking on any project thumbnail takes me to a ‘not found‘ error page. Nothing that I write on any of the project edit boards is reflecting on the website, after I click on the respective project thumbnails.
I also see two portfolio buttons, one below the other, on the www.ads-software.com dashboard.
Can you please tell me if it is something that I need to do on the www.ads-software.com dashboard — or if it is a problem with the theme code itself that needs to be fixed – to be able to see the portfolio content on the website.
]]>A couple more things:
– I am using “theme test drive” plugin right now, to test a new version of my site before it goes live.
– The shortcode for the lightbox is inside a “visual editor” widget, NOT the main page content. However, I created a test page, and got the same error when the shortcode was within a regular page not a widget.
– Inside the lightbox is an email subsciption form (I don’t think this matters)
Here is the code I’m using:
[su_lightbox type="inline" src="pineapple"][su_button style="flat" background="#dc3912" wide="yes" center="yes" icon="icon: envelope"]Subscribe to Email Updates[/su_button][/su_lightbox]
[su_lightbox_content id="pineapple" width="300px"]
<form style="text-align: center;" action="https://feedburner.google.com/fb/a/mailverify" method="post" target="popupwindow">Enter your email address:<input style="width: 140px;" name="email" type="text" /><input name="uri" type="hidden" value="BryonPWells" /><input name="loc" type="hidden" value="en_US" /><input type="submit" value="Subscribe" />Delivered by <a href="https://feedburner.google.com" target="_blank">FeedBurner</a>.</form>
Thanks in advance for any help!
Take a look and see for yourself.
Please help me out!
]]>Although I can see all the pages of the site, as soon as I click to edit them I get an error message “Content not found – The content you are looking for could not be found.” Same message when I go to Dashboard, Themes etc. or Plugin or Theme Updates.
The site is http//qehobs.org and I’m using
https://qehobs.org/wp-login.php to log in with no problem.
I have been editing this site for nearly a year and this is the first time I’ve had a problem.
Please can someone help me sort this out?
]]>Anyway, I recently went to my admin page to edit my website and it now says Content not Found. It says this for every page, including the Dashboard, so I cannot make any edits to my site whatsoever. The website is still functioning normally, each page can be accessed by the public, but I have no personal access/control to my page and account.
I have not made any recent changes or added any plug-ins that I think may have caused this issue. Everything had been working fine, so the change seems random.
I installed a digital/retail store plug-in months ago and began creating items, but I never made the store live on the site and I hadn’t been having any trouble with it. I have also not messed with any files via my web host / c-panel.
Any help/advice on how to get back into my controls/dashboard would be appreciated!