I sit here with a little wordpress problem.
When i go to my website “suuro.com” on the mobile there is a little grey bar under the responsive menu.
I have tried to write “#menu-bar” in the “Elements to hide in mobile” tab in WP responsive menu controlpanel.
When i scroll downwards, this grey bar overlaps the responsive menu.
I have tried to write on the forum already, but noone answared. I also have tried to write on the theme website forum, but noone answared there aswell.
I hope someone can help me with my problem.
]]>Easy explanation preferred, as I’m new to programming code etc.
]]>In either IE or Firefox, when I click on my login link, the browser hangs and hangs and hangs some more and eventually just stops trying. I even tried going back to the original 1.5 version of wp-login.php, but no dice.
Any ideas? Anybody else experience this? For what it’s worth, I’m not 100-percent sure this problem has to do with my upgrade, but the two events seemed to happen at the same time.