Now I want to set up a third domain for another subsite, but now I get the message:
Error: Cookies are blocked or not supported by your browser. You must enable cookies to use WordPress.
I get this message only at this new subsite, the old ones still work.
I tried adding
define('COOKIE_DOMAIN', false );
But that gave me a white screen with the message
The constant "COOKIE_DOMAIN" is defined (probably in wp-config.php). Please remove or comment out that define() line.
So can anyone point me in the right direction?
Maybe worth mentioning: Since my hostingprovider was taken over ny another company, my sites moved to another server a couple of weeks ago.
]]>RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(www.)?$
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/wordpress/site1/
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /wordpress/site1/$1
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(www.)?$
RewriteRule ^(/)?$ wordpress/site1/index.php [L]
This allowed all of the mapped sites to work. However, we can’t log into them and we can’t reach their dashboards when logged into unmapped sites. When we try, we get the infamous ERROR: Cookies are blocked or not supported by your browser. You must enable cookies to use WordPress. We are trying to log in as a superuser. Trying to switch to the dashboard for a mapped site brings up the log in screen.
We’ve tried the cookie_domain fix and variations on this that we’ve found on the Internet. So far, nothing has worked. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
]]>We have WP multisite (subdomain) system, with your plugin used to allow mapping for 100+ subsites (,,, etc).
Now users which have been granted access to multiple subsites need to login separatelly in each one of them to get to admin pages.
I tried to fix that by setting COOKIEPATH and COOKIE_DOMAIN in wp-config but then system just kept showing page saying that there is COOKIE_DOMAIN constant defined and that we need to remove it. After a bit of research I found that is done by your plugin.
So, my question is – how can we allow users to login just once and be allowed to access all subsites to which they have been granted permissions?
Hope you can help us!
]]>I have a domain, which is my main WP URL.
I have a shared SSL site on, entered in the plugin host field.
Easy enough.
1. Logout wouldn’t work until I changed my COOKIE_DOMAIN to the SSL domain. You do this in wp-config.php. By writing all cookies on the secure domain, logout can always reach them.
2. If your theme uses home_url() to create your home page links, then you might get incorrectly formed home links on an SSL page. Iow, it will turn into which of course won’t work. This is a WordPress problem. Home_url uses is_ssl() to determine whether to start with https. It does have force options, but the default will break your site home links on SSL pages.
It’s a great plugin, and an even greater author who stepped up to help make this very complex problem manageable.
]]>WP 3.5.1 (root install)
Server info:
Tried all known solutions such as:
– resetting password
– removing all plugins and custom theme
– adding defines in wp-config and functions files for WP_SITEURL and WP_HOME
– database siteurl and home are set as they should be (correct values)
– delete .htaccess file
– adding define( 'SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL', false);
to wp-config
– re-uploading fresh download of wordpress
Have not tried fresh db, really would hate to do database from scratch…
]]>One issue I noticed is that the cookies created by WordPress seem to be restricted to each individual sub-domain, meaning that, even though all networks share a single user-base, users have to login to each individual network.
Is there a way to share the cookies across subdomains? I understand that there’s no way to share cookies across root domains, but it would be nice if they could be at least shared across subdomains; rather than requiring users to login to each individual network.
I tried defining the COOKIE_DOMAIN constant within wp-config.php to “” (using my real domain rather than to try to get the cookies to be shared across subdomains, but that seemed to stop me from being able to login altogether (in addition to the fact that it would probably really mess things up if we ever map a root domain to one of our networks).
Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated.
]]>I noticed that wp-settings.php in 2.9.2 was almost twice as large when I was investigating why the authentication cookies (wp_logged_in…) where not set. We are bypassing the normal wp-login.php by shibboleth authentication and in 2.9.2 the cookie was ok since COOKIE_DOMAIN was set there (in wp-settings, thus known in pluggable.php where the cookie is set).
Where is COOKIE_DOMAIN defined now ? Or there other settings that we should check after this 2.9.2 to 3.0 upgrade ??
]]>I haven’t found an option in UGA 1.6.0 to match the COOKIE_DOMAIN constant that we can set in wp_config.php (see:
That would be really helpful to make http request to static resources stored in a different subdomain cookieless.
]]>Despite hours of looking at the code, I cannot understand in full the authentication process. It seems to be defined in wp-settings and pluggable-functions, but I can’t seem to work out exactly what the process is.
Does anyone know the full process (I know the basics) of how the wordpress authentication works? and which part (if any) could be disrupted by having a referer that is different from the wordpress URL?