We operate two WordPress websites on a shared server with upgraded CPU (to 600%) and more then adequate memory and storage resources. Lately we have noticed huge spikes to the CPU usage (mostly at 100% lasting several minutes), this seemed to be tied to looking up orders or more specifically WooCommerce bookings. (we run a hire business).
We put more investigation is and it seems the spike comes when looking up orders via the WooCommerce mobile App, which is integrated via Jetpack. The further research now points to Jetpack chewing up our CPU, causing 500 / 502 pages and generally grinds the website to a complete hault.
How do we fix this? Removing Jetpack solves one problem but introduces the fact that we regularly use the WooCommerce mobile app (when we collect orders we use this to mark them complete – which is convenient when you’re on the road).
Any help would be greatly appreciated as we’ve hired freelancers who are clueless as to how to solve the issue.
]]>So here’s the issue I am getting CPU Spike with woocommerce when I go to woocommerce analytics tab my site get CPU spike, when I returned to WordPress dashboard it goes back to normal, I am on 2GB Cloudways Server and there is no user spike on the server, Also have disabled heartbeat + wp cron,
I am unable to understand why i am getting this spike when i run any analytics query!!!
]]>At first I thought it was Jetpack, so I killed it and replaced the subscription feature I was after by using MailPoet3 instead.
When I opened a post to edit it to today, the CPU spiked. (And my site was then disabled for a short time.) But I edited the post again later and the CPU didn’t spike.
My only active plugins:
– Classic Editor
– Heartbeat Control by WP Rocket (only allows ajax on post edits, with 60s saves)
– LiteSpeed Cache (recommended by my hosting service)
– Loginizer
– MailPoet 3
Any advice? I’m perplexed!
I have been running into some issues with my online store. The site seems to crash and display 503 error when quickly opening multiple tabs at once. I know that puts stress on the server but it doesn’t have any traffic yet, so when it does I guess it will be a huge disaster.
Service Unavailable
The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.
Additionally, a 503 Service Unavailable error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request
The reasons seems to be high CPU and physical memory (500 mb limit) which is displayed on Cpanel. I tried disabling all plugins and changing back to storefront and it doesn’t seem to make a difference.
I tried it with my other site which is running opencart and has a lot more products available and there is a very slight difference in CPU and physical memory usage when I open multiple tabs at once. I guess this should be normal, otherwise a single visitor can crash it. I also tried running an woocomerce site on another domain (same hosting) and it didn’t crash.
Are there any logs I can check to see what seems to be crashing my site?
Query monitor displays some slow queries (6), but all from Woocommerce and with a time below 0,09.
EDIT: I tried googling for similar problems, but did not find any answers.
Thanks for any help
Could duplicator plugin causing some database errors that are leading to WP errors & CPU spike ?
I’m happy to work with you on solving this issue as I have at least 2 websites to fix. (I can maybe provide some data and do different tests ?)
Awaiting your reply.
]]>My site functions normally but then randomly shoots up in CPU and Apache displays repeated sitemap_index.xml errors. When I visit it directly it doesn’t display my sitemap it simply displays a white hanging page and adds to my CPU load.
I still seem to be ranking on new posts with the XML sitemap disabled and my CPU has returned to normal. Additionally I’m seeing Open-Files-Limit errors causing CPU spike potentially as a result of the XML sitemap as well!?
Please advise CPU load has been causing me so much grief lately!
]]>It seems I randomly disconnect while on the WordPress Add Post page, which causes me to check server load which spikes from 0.4 -> 5 for seemingly no reason.
After inspecting cron jobs and removing what I thought might be the culprit I’m left with almost no other hourly cron jobs than these that apply to W3:
w3_pgcache_prime 900 (15 minutes) [W3TC] Page Cache prime (every 900 seconds)
w3_pgcache_cleanup 3600 (1 hour) [W3TC] Page Cache file GC (every 3600 seconds)
w3_dbcache_cleanup 3600 (1 hour) [W3TC] Database Cache file GC (every 3600 seconds)
Is it possible that these cron jobs are causing a CPU spike on my VPS? If so, what are the most common reasons and how can I fix it. Something is definitely triggering the spike I use a Cloudflare pro account and have very little traffic on my website when this occurs.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Generally speaking, the crashes happen at xx:15 -> xx:17 could it be the fact that all three of these processes are firing simultaneously?
]]>I am on a VPS with the hosting company Green Geeks and have been through a ton of support requests with them already to no avail.
What’s happening with my site is that is it running normally 98% of the time at around 0.3 server load. My site runs very quickly and can have around 1500 people or more on it at one time.
Unfortunately my server is crashing when there is nobody on it randomly, every morning and admin-ajax.php causing a CPU spike to 5.0 with no web traffic. It has as been crashing my site once every 24 hours.
I took a look at my cron jobs through WP Crontrol and found nothing aside from a repeating disqus module, removed and updated as many plugins as I could and it seems I’m getting a large number of POST and GET requests that are somehow knocking down my page.
It happens usually only once per day and I thought installing Heartbeat Control would resolve the issue but it has not.
Any advice on troubleshooting this issue would be greatly appreciated. I have a hard time reproducing the issue with scans and have no idea where to start. The CPU spike usually happens in the morning and the GET and POST and EDIT requests that are flooding the server are coming from one of my users (who does not have permissions to edit posts via User Role Editor) according to my web host.
Anyone who can help me with this issue it would be greatly appreciated to the point where I’d even be willing to tip them for their advice.
Just want this resolved as soon as possible instead of having to deal with it every single day.