I’m working on first-time setup and building a database of creatives before inviting affiliates. I’m wondering if there’s a way to categorize the creatives by product so that it’s easier for affiliates to find what they’re looking for.
Maybe some sort of a filing system or navigation similar to the wordpress menu navigation. EG. Product Category>Product Name>Creatives, or even just Product Name>Creatives.
From what I can see so far all of the creatives are just sorted based on creation order.
Additionally, is there a setting to display the creative title so affiliates can see it?
Thanks for the help/feedback. It’s been a great setup experience.
]]><a href="https://soulware.tech/product/pcbuilder-intel-i5-12400-downforce-windows-11-msifsp-gaming-pc/soulcode/3/"><img alt="Get a fast gaming PC from Soulware.tech on easy monthly terms." data-src="https://soulware.tech/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/300x250_creative_gaming_pc.jpg" class="lazyload" src="" /><noscript><img alt="Get a fast gaming PC from Soulware.tech on easy monthly terms." data-src="https://soulware.tech/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/300x250_creative_gaming_pc.jpg" class="lazyload" src="" /><noscript><img alt="Get a fast gaming PC from Soulware.tech on easy monthly terms." data-src="https://soulware.tech/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/300x250_creative_gaming_pc.jpg" class="lazyload" src="" /><noscript><img src="https://soulware.tech/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/300x250_creative_gaming_pc.jpg" alt="Get a fast gaming PC from Soulware.tech on easy monthly terms." /></noscript></noscript></noscript></a>
I saw here at the bottom some instructions but didn’t help me figured out.
When they go to his control panel > creatives > image XXX they only see the HTML code to embebed the image but not a link for share it.
Thanks in advance
]]>I would like to remove all registration fields associated with user address.
]]>is there a way to change the word “creatives” in the dashboard menu into something “link generator”. I just got asked by an affiliate where that feature was.
I tried to change it with an CSS editor but couldnt select the word itself.
]]>After I created a text creative, the ID is 0.
The same with image.
I must say, that after I installed the plugin, I created two creatives without problems. When I started seriously to add creatives, I deleted the default one and my own test creatives and then the problems started.
]]>I get “ERROR: Access denied.” when trying to active a new creative.