I have been using your wonderful plugin for a long time on my online e-store lucky-handmade.com and it works flawlessly. For some time now I have been noticing the following recurring error in the error log file of the site:
[07-Dec-2024 04:00:06 UTC] Cron error on scheduled event for hook: pgbf_lite_ts_tracker_send_event, Error code: invalid_schedule, Error message: No scheduled events., Data: {“schedule”:”once_in_week”,”args”:[ ],”interval”:604800}
[14-Dec-2024 05:00:09 UTC] Cron error on scheduled event for hook: pgbf_lite_ts_tracker_send_event, Error code: invalid_schedule, Error message: No scheduled events., Data: {“schedule”:”once_in_week”,”args”:[ ],”interval”:604800}
[21-Dec-2024 06:00:07 UTC] Cron error on scheduled event for hook: pgbf_lite_ts_tracker_send_event, Error code: invalid_schedule, Invalid message: No scheduled events., Data: {“schedule”:”once_in_week”,”args”:[ ],”interval”:604800}
[28-Dec-2024 07:00:07 UTC] Cron scheduled event error for hook: pgbf_lite_ts_tracker_send_event, Error code: invalid_schedule, Error message: No scheduled events., Data: {“schedule”:”once_in_week”,”args”:[ ],”interval”:604800}
The plugin works without problems, but the error is logged every week.
I think this hook refers to your plugin. Could you please check if this is the case and what is causing this error.
The WordPress version is 6.7.1, WooCommerce – 9.5.1. WordPress cron is disabled and I use server cron.
If the error is not caused by your plugin, I apologize!
Best regards!
Ivailo Ivanov
]]>Cron reschedule event error for hook: rsssl_every_five_minutes_hook, Error code: could_not_set, Error message: The cron event list could not be saved., Data: {“schedule”:”rsssl_five_minutes”,”args”:[],”interval”:300}
]]>[12-Dec-2022 13:43:44 UTC] Cron reschedule event error for hook: wf_scan_monitor, Error code: could_not_set, Error message: The cron event list could not be saved., Data: {“schedule”:”wf_scan_monitor_interval”,”args”:[],”interval”:60}
While this is a general issue of WP 6.1.1, i thought i should also post it is happening AND with Wordfence plugin (among other plugins and themes).
]]>Version 4.0.4 gives the following cron error since june 23 :
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘:’, expecting ‘;’ or ‘{‘ in /DOMAIN/wp-content/plugins/lightbox-photoswipe/src/LightboxPhotoSwipe/LightboxPhotoSwipe.php on line 584
My site runs a PHP 7.4
Thank you for your attention.
Kind regards,
2021-08-12 11:32:56: Cron: Error occurred while updating SpamFireWall local base. Error: Can not delete the FW file: /nas/content/live/NAMEOFMAINWEBSITE/wp-content/plugins/cleantalk-spam-protect//fw_files//index.php
NAMEOFMAINWEBSITE is the main site.
Four different sites are all set to have the same settings for Cleantalk. (The subsites are set up as BoS.NAMEOFMAINWEBSITE BoSEU.NAMEOFMAINWEBSITE etc) though visitors go to different URLS – businessofsoftware.org businessofsoftware.eu etc
I have tried deleting everything and reinstalling. This seemed to work at first (yesterday), but now has stopped again and I am getting the same error messages on all the sites.
Two things I have noticed that might be clues…?
The error message returns the same result for each different website but this might just mean settings are duplicated in each one.
The file pathway contains a double backslash.
How can I resolve? Thank you so much. I usually get great solutions for issues in the forums without posting but I can’t find an answer to this.
]]>I have 2 questions is that is ok ( I did not found an answer in excisting topics)
I see an error in Cron schedules:
swcfpc_purge_cache_cron_interval 10 (10 seconds)
This interval is less than the WP_CRON_LOCK_TIMEOUT constant which is set to 60. Events that use it may not run on time.
WP Cloudflare Super Page Cache – Purge Cache Cron Interval
How do I fix this?
And second question:
I have Preloader enabled for Links in menu and last 20 published and URLs in sitemap. Is that enough? How often does it preload?
Do I need to make a CRON job? And doe you have code for functions?
My site server had a crash and for some period of time all my wordpress sites thought that it was 2099. They completed and made new cron tasks during this time.
I managed to clean out and reset the tasks that were scheduled to run in 2099 after changing back the clock correctly, with the exception of whatever task handles the thread that says ‘The next queue will begin processing in approximately xxx seconds’. That reads still approxiamately 79 years in seconds.
The queue itself doesn’t seem to be actually paying attention to this, action_scheduler_run_queue is running normally now and scheduled correctly. Can I just ignore this incorrect approxiamation showing on the scheduled actions page and wait for it to fix itself in 2099? Or is this part of a problem I need to be aware of? Or even better if anyone knows how to reset this timer.
]]>* * * * * php /home/therion/public_html/mysite.com/wp-content/plugins/mailpoet/mailpoet-cron.php /home/therion/public_html/mysite.com/
is correct. I did everything like I was instructed, but why am I still getting this error?:
Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
You need to pass a WordPress root as an argument.
Thank you so much! Your mailing plugin is definitely the best one there is! I just wish so much that this cronjob would run correctly.
Please, could you help me to solve this issue?
Thank you so much
PHP version: 7.4.7
]]>I set up cron job to trigger the optimizer. However I’m having an error message saying my php version is outdated. However I’m using php 7.3 Am I doing something wrong?
Cron line is below. WordPress installation is inside httpdocs folder
cd /var/www/vhosts/test/httpdocs; php -q wp-cron.php
The message I got is Your server is running PHP version 5.4.16 but WordPress 5.3.2 requires at least 5.6.20.
But in fact php version is 7.3
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