]]>I produce and maintain primarily art realated websites. One terrible problem I am having with the Divi gallery plugin is that the images are shown arbitrarily cut off, cropped, or truncated…
For example, I am doing a remake for this site The images on this website represent a thumbnail of the ‘entire’ painting, not truncated view as show in the Divi gallery and subsequent galleries.
Catalin Vasile (Elegant Themes support team memeber) mentioned that I could override how the images are renedered with custom code but mentioned that it might break the way the web pages are rendered and displayed. I am desperately seeking a theme that displays the imges as they are with NO cropping.
I would appreciate anyone pointing me to a theme that didn’t crop images arbitrarly…
Thanks in advance.
PS: I have already purchased the Elegant Themes Lifetime membership and would be happy if I can get a code fix to display images without cropping on web browsers only that would be a quantum leap forward.
]]>The idea of placing a slider widget is for the customer to control the images that appear on it. The slider displays images along the entire width of the screen, it crops the height of the image so it can fit exactly over the full height of a screen. Has anyone seen a similar widget? Any idea of how to solve this in the most simple way? any freelance there to help?
The slider is in the following page:
Thank you very much
]]>But the album images on the most important page on my site are cropped wrong. It’s very embarrasing but I don’t know how to change the cropping on this page. I can change them in the galleries themselves. Take a look:
]]>After a bit more digging, I found this affects the built-in image editor as well. Screenie. For reference, the image seen in these examples can be found here (as seen in the image URL in the default editor).
I have tried disabling the Post Thumbnail Editor plugin and the Regenerate Thumbnails plugin (none of my other plugins work with images), but nothing seems to change this behaviour.
The site was built using the Boilerplate WP theme framework, with only a couple lines added to the functions.php file (Pastebin link). So I don’t think that would cause any problems, obviously though, I mentioned it because I’m not sure..
Any ideas here? Do you need more information?
]]>thumb: w167 h80
medium: w335 h160
large: w670 h320
Roughly all the same proportions.
Crop thumnbnail is selected.
If I go to the post and upload an image which is originally 1200 x 551 the size options offered are:
w167 h80
w335 h153
w640 h293
Why is this?
I tried again, cropping my picture to 670 by 320. I can upload this at full size – but when I use the large image on a page is is reduced to 640 x 305. What’s going on here? Is it a bug?
]]>This is a function I would love to see integrated in NextGEN.