I’m trying the get the item title, url and image selector for the following search results from google.
Thank you in advance
]]>I need to change it to
.product .elementor-widget-wd_single_product_price .price
My issue is that the Z level needs to be adjusted so the flags appear OVER other elements on my webpage, or, that I adjust the position by increasing the pixels from the left.
I hope someone can help. Thanks,
]]>Can you kindly provide the CSS Selectors that will help us reposition and resize Cloudflare’s Turnstile banner?
For example, this is what we ended up with in our Gravity Forms after activating your plugin: https://prnt.sc/S153G232cUvl
Thank you!
]]>I’m trying to creat a new event related to text informations filling in checkout page, I want to use css slector for input entry, I use :
input[type=email] for emails input text, but it’s not working!! please some help
]]>I am making changes to the look of the site title link “<a>” in the desktop header, but I was surprised to see that the CSS selector for the a link of the site title in the header is different on the home page and other pages and blogs! Why there is such difference for the exactly the same part of the webpages? In one case the last part of the selector is p > a and for the other case it is span > a?
This makes customization unnecessary dificult for users of the Astra theme.
This is not a support question, but it will be very good if things be made more user-friendly, even in the backend. The KISS principle, you know. Maybe for Astra Theme 4.0.0?
]]>Add CSS Selectors
Type each CSS selector that you would like this font control to manage in the box below. Use the tab key to separate each selector.
The box where I’d normally type the font control (i.e. .content), that box is missing. I cannot figure out how to fix or resolve this? I have opened numerous other instances of WordPress for other websites I administer, and it works fine.
I am hosting all these websites on the same server. I have uninstalled this plugin and re-installed it multiple times. I am at a loss as to why this is happening, and don’t know how t fix it.
]]>I tried to reinitialize all parameters, or uninstall addtoany, but nothing I could find help.
Any idea on how to revert the buggy CSS selector I added (I assume it is this)?
I am using Elementor with the Hello theme, all with the latest versions.
Thanks a lot,
]]>To hide this menu, I need to enter the CSS Selector for the theme menu.
What should I put here?