While attempting to upload a batch of 83 stores using the WP Store Locator CSV Manager Import function, we received an error message as follows:
“Something went wrong connecting to the Google Geocode API: cURL error 28: Operation timed out after 5000 milliseconds with 0 bytes received
Please try again later.”
Additional info:
– The uploader got through about ~61 stores and then the rest of the stores were not uploaded.
– Upon uploading the remaining 22 stores in a second attempt, they went through OK.
– We were not missing any store names, addresses, cities, or states in the upload file
– I tried uploading the stores with the “new” wpsl-gmap.min.js you provided last week to fix the Los Angeles, CA stores not showing and with the original wpsl-gmap.min.js. Same issue occurred, so not related to the code fixes. (As an aside – Los Angeles, CA stores now show even with the original wpsl-gmap.min.js file in place)
Basically we’re able to upload 61 stores at a time, and it seems like there’s an API timeout issue. Let me know if you need more details. Thanks!!
Best Regards,
Patrick Dyer
I don’t get an error message.
]]>I have over 1000 stores to import and thank goodness you made a CSV Manager plugin to do that. I just fired off a question to support over on your website, but since I have not bought the plugin yet, I’m not sure how it will get prioritized.
I figured I might as well just copy + paste my questions here and then maybe you can sticky it or something if you want since they seem like they might be common considerations…and also might tip off newcomers that CSV Manager exists and lead to more sales
– My Excel spreadsheets do not contain City data.
Question 1: Does it matter if there is no City data for the geocoding to work properly? My CSV file has the Zip Codes, but no City column of data. If I have to open each Custom Post Type up to add City data then that would defeat the whole purpose of using CSV Manager.
– My spreadsheets have County data.
Question 2: Will this County data be automatically be added as a new Meta field when I import the CSV file with the CSV Manager?
Question 3: I have 5 different Excel Spreadsheets. Can I import 5 CSV files or do they all have to be combined into 1 CSV file in order for the CSV Manager to work properly and get all the data from all the files?
– wpsl_id?
Question 4: My spreadsheets do not have column marked as ‘wpsl_id’ so there will not be any CSV header called ‘wpsl_id’ as shown in your screenshot of the CSV Manager user interface (attached). Do I need to somehow add this wpsl_id to my spreadsheets or is that automatically added by your CSV Manager? I can’t tell from the screenshot.
Question 5: Can I get a refund if this doesn’t work properly? I have over 1000 stores worth of data to input, so I definitely want to use the CSV Manager if possible, but I want to make sure I understand correctly before I buy because that will affect which license I purchase.
]]>I’m running EDD + Free downloads paid extension + CSV manager. I’m trying to upload 140 jpegs from server, saved in the wp content / uploads / edd folder, with no subfolders, using Fire FTP. Have created CSV and uploaded via Tools, and mapped the fields as follows:-
file name – abc.jpeg (file names)
directory (just in case?!) – /public_html/wp-content/uploads/edd/abc.jpg (unmapped – appears to have no corresponding field to map to)
title – abc (product name)
author id – my website (author ID)
It says it has been successful but I cant see any changes at all.
Help would be really appreciated
]]>HOWEVER, my test import is giving me a “IMPORT SUCCESSFUL” message, but no items are imported. I even looked at the database (using phpMyAdmin) after the import and I see NO new records in the posts or posts_meta tables.
I am confused!