Please can you help us with one issue? In our store, the customer can choose the currency (we use CURCY for this).
But on the PDF invoice, the values for all our currencies are printed instead of only the values based on the order currency.
I reckon this is because in the database, for each order and order item, the values are converted and stored in all our currencies.
A possible solution could be that PDF invoices would just pick the first string (which is the value in order currency) instead of the full field content – but I’m no technical person and do not know what I’m talking about
Please could you have a look into the screenshot here:
Thank you so much!
My subscription offer spans multiple geographies. Is it possible to include a currency drop down either prior to or within the subscription payment form?
]]>Please help me change the currency separator for SAR and AED to decimal point instead of comma.
The Currency format of the website is as per German standards which uses a comma (,) instead of?decimal point and a decimal point is used as thousand separator . So 2,435.89 Dollars is same as 2.435,89 Euros, I really appreciate the plugin which is taking universal currency formatting for dollars (and other currencies)But the issue is with Saudi Riyal SAR and Dubai dirham AED, unfortunately these two currencies are not taking the universal currency formatting.
I mean 29,00 AED needs to be 29.00 AED please suggest how to change the decimal separator for SAR and AED in the plugin settings without changing the woo commerce currency settings?
I’ve been using ARMember since August 2022. The plugin is really great.
Is there a way to display currencies european style?
To clarify, currently my prices are displayed as e.g. “1,699.00 €” and I’d like to be able to display them as “1 699,00 €” or something like that, because I am selling in France and that’s how they are used to seeing prices.
Is there an option that I didn’t see in the settings?
Best regards.
]]>do_action( 'wpsc_add_cookie', 'wcml_currency');
Please advise how to proceed with this solution in w3tc. Thank you.
More details:
Looking forward to hearing from you
]]>My main currency is USD but I sell in multi currency to other countries. The Euro currency format is showing as 50,00€ rather than €50.00
All other currencies are fine the issue is only with EUR
Thanks in advance for your help!
]]>I would like to create differents products with differents currencies and don’t see the option