I’m looking for a solution that allows you to cutomize and change wordpress admin interface .
To give you more details, I am looking for a sort of “page builder” for admin panel that would let you create an admin interface which would look like a front end page.
For example, I could create a button that would have a specific action into the admin panel.
Is there anyone who could help me finding such a solution?
Thank you in advance.
]]>I have a question, i can’t really find the right information on line so wanted to ask the community!
I am looking into creating a directory, where by users can login / register, add their business details and be featured on the site.
I want to use WordPress to power it, as i am familiar with building sites with WordPress and querying the database etc.
However i have never tried something this complicated with WordPress before.
I want to have a separate backend system that users can register and login to, in their they will have their custom admin panel (Not WordPress’s) and be able to edit their business details add images etc.
I have only ever done this sort of stuff before using pure PHP, with sessions and SQL etc, but i know with WordPress there are probably better ways to do it. You guys are far more advanced with WordPress than me, so i wondered if i could “WP_Query” your brains (Worst Joke Ever).
A bit more details
– Regarding the login & registration form, would you store the data in the same table as where WP_Users are stored or a separate one? Also are their build in WP functions to do this or should i use PURE SQL? If any of you no of any resources on the codex please send the url:)
– Regarding the backend, would use normal PHP sessions and code it using WordPress pages? Is their a better way to control this with WP.
– Storing the data, would you use WordPress’s table to store the data or a seperate table?
– In an ideal world, I wanted to control all entries through a Custom Post Type in the backend of the actual WordPress admin.
So when someone submits their data, it automatically adds a new entry to the post type named businesses for example, and has all of the information associated with the post type filled out dynamically (Taxonomies and Custom Fields), so all i have to do it simply publish it. I know it would be possible, but wanted to see your recommendation.
If you could let me know your views on what you think would be the best way of doing it i would really appreciate it guys.
Thanks in advance for any advice!
]]>I’m building a site for a client and trying to make things as simple as possible for him through a customized user panel.
In a blog post which will actually be a product page for his products I need to create a custom fields that outputs a ul list like this:
Material: wood
Height: 100 cm
Width: 10 cm
Lenght: 70 cm
but I’m not sure about how to do it.
I did a search online and someone suggested to create a normal custom field with every element to list to be separated by a comma and use php to divide them in a list. It could be a solution but I don’t know how to code that in php.
A visual separation in the post panel would also be easier for my client, adding each element in a field and then get the list ready on the website.
Can you help me?
I am assuming there will be a hook to do this, which I can add to functions.php, rather than hacking a core file…
If nobody knows of a hook, then perhaps somebody can tell me what core file I’d edit (ugh!) to hard-code my desired message to appear on the Media Add New SubPanel (as well as core files for all related media panels, i.e. the Media Library SubPanel, etc).
Another thought is perhaps I can add a meta box to the panel? Again, not sure how to go about doing that exactly, but I assume it would via some hook again added to the functions.php…
Many thanks for any assistance, links to resources, etc.