I want before after image with a description, Post title, category, etc.
For description, I am planning to use an Advanced custom field.
I have tried to customize your plugin but bad luck.
Can you please help me?
Thank you in advance
]]>Is there a method to completely remove that data?
Thanks for any & all help!
]]>I admit I was skeptical. I had a page with custom fields (ACF field group) to duplicate/clone. Fields that were conditional on page title making it even more challenging.
I used [Clone as draft], it opened as promised as a new <unsaved> page draft. The content was there but I had no idea if the custom field data had copied across. As these fields were conditional or set to show for specified page names. This was an unsaved page and as such I had not yet set the custom fields to visible.
I quickly saved the draft and went to ACF (Advanced custom fields) and activated the fields for the new page saved. Went back to edit the page and hey presto the contents of the custom field groups had indeed transferred/cloned.
You rock, thank you for great programming.
]]>Even better is the ability to set template layouts as custom post type templates.
This is the only missing feature I believe most page builders lack is the ability to set a designed page template as a custom post type template.
To further clarify my suggestion, I mean an option to set a saved paged template to apply to a particular post type so that all post of that post type inherit the same layout design without manually applying a template to each post of a post type.
A plugin like ACF (Advanced custom fields) can be used to insert custom fields into the template.
This means once you create a new post, input all your custom field data and publish the post; it inherits the CPT template.
Scenario : set a saved template to pages, posts, custom post types or blog so that all pages or posts automatically have identical layouts each time you publish them. This can save a lot of work!
Thanks again!
]]>I want to separate the custom field out from the main excerpt so I can css it. Now it shows 2 copies of them, one in the excerpt which is styled like all other excerpt texts, one is at the bottom which I want to keep.
I am using the below code
Location: <?php echo get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'Location', true); ?>
Thanks everyone
]]><?php query_posts(array('post_parent' => 19, 'post_type' => 'page')); while (have_posts()) { the_post(); ?>
<?php if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) {?>
<?php the_post_thumbnail(); ?>
<?php } else { ?>
<!-- Else Don't show anything -->
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
]]>I need this to display ON the parent page AFTER the_content(); of the parent page in a table structure. I’d like to manually write the first row with <th> elements as the table headings.
I’ve tried many of the examples I’ve read in the forum posts using query_posts() and get_posts() but I cannot figure it out.
Should I first run the main loop displaying the parent page’s title and content, THEN run a new query to get the data from the child pages of the parent page?
If yes, how would I do that? Then, how do I output the table, first row of headers (as headings for the data of each child) and then create a new row for each child’s data contained in its custom fields?
I know how to use c2c’s get_custom() function to return this data for a page (at least when ON that page)… so I was hoping to write each row using something like this for each child page:
<?php echo c2c_get_custom('Org-Name','<td><strong>','</strong></td>','','');
echo c2c_get_custom('Services-Categories','<td>','</td>',' ','</td><td>','</td>'); ?>
There are so many examples but they seem mostly used to generate a list of the child pages rather than access each child’s custom field data.
Ideas? Examples?