I Use your nice plugin, but Ineed to add some field like firstname, phone, date of bird… and receive this data in mail or appear in bookings list.
Could you help-me ?
Thanks a lot
I’m just testing your really great plugin, but came accross a problem:
I’m not able to add some custom fields to the submission form. The creation under …..>Custom fields is no problem. But unfortunately the new fields are not visible in the frontend.
Did I miss something ???
(I’ve read in the documentation (Step 5), that I should be able to add some custom fields. As far as I can see, this is a basic function, that doesn’t require a pro-version (if available) or an extra-add-on).
With kind regards
I think it’s in part code, but I can not do.
$html .= '<h3 class="rpwe-title"><a href="' . esc_url( get_permalink() ) . '" title="' . sprintf( esc_attr__( 'Permalink to %s', 'rpwe' ), the_title_attribute( 'echo=0' ) ) . '" rel="bookmark">' . esc_attr( get_the_title() ) . '</a></h3>';
Please help me. Best wishes.
]]>I’m writing to ask a question about live composer plugin. I bought a WordPress theme which contains live composer plugin.
I added Google map module to my template page via live composer. I want to use google map with custom fields.
I defined custom fields on my posts like map_latitude and map_longtitude.
What should I write on google map module to get value of these custom fields?
I added screenshots. You can understand easier what I need
I appreciate if you reply and help.
Burak UZEL
]]>I managed to do this successfully when I know which value I can expect, in case there is several different values like this:
$currenturl = 'https://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
// Look at URL
$pos1 = strpos($currenturl, "?value-one");
$pos2 = strpos($currenturl, "?value-two");
// If URL has "?value-one" create new custom field and add value-one
if($pos1 == true) {
add_post_meta($id, 'my_new_custom_field_name', 'value-one', true);
// If URL has "?value-two" create new custom field and add value-two
elseif($pos2 == true) {
add_post_meta($id, 'my_new_custom_field_name', 'value-two', true);
// ...
What I need is code which will create new custom field and add data inside it copied from URL after “?” sign.
For example if URL is like this:
www.site.com/category/subcategory/post-name?some textual description
will be here
in browser it will be like this:
Of course I can make some START, END markers in url if needed like this
What I need is code which will check if URL contains something between “START_” and “_END” and to create new custom field with text between “START_” and “_END”, and if it is possible to replace “%20″ with space ” “.
In this example to create new custom field with value “some textual description will be here”
I have good knowledge WordPress core.
I need to advice about custom field.
The custom file not shows normally. I need to display like WP e-Commerce custom fields. The custom field should have separate label design.
Rajan V
]]>I will be thankful if you can help me solving the following: 1- Why the code that i wrote for custom fields in not working ? I want to set the All In One SEO pack plugin fields.
2- How can i attach Featured Image ?
Following is my code:
public interface IgetCatList
string NewPage(int blogId, string strUserName, string strPassword, blogInfo content, int publish);
[XmlRpcMethod("metaWeblog.newMediaObject", Description = "Add a media object to a post using the metaWeblog API. Returns media url as a string.")]
MediaObjectUrl newMediaObject(int blogid,string username,string password,MediaObject mediaObject);
public struct customField
public string key;
public string value;
public struct blogInfo
public string title;
public string description;
public string post_type;
public string[] categories;
public string mt_keywords;
public string mt_excerpt;
public customField[] custom_fields;
private void PostToBlogUsingXMLRC(string pTitle,string pPost)
blogInfo newBlogPost = default(blogInfo);
newBlogPost.title = pTitle;
newBlogPost.description = pPost;
newBlogPost.categories = new string[] { "TechReviews" };
newBlogPost.post_type = "post";
newBlogPost.mt_excerpt = "this is excerpt";
newBlogPost.mt_keywords = "keywrod";
customField aioseoTitle = default(customField);
aioseoTitle.key = "_aioseop_title";
aioseoTitle.value = "This is SEO Title";
customField aioseoDesc = default(customField);
aioseoDesc.key = "_aioseop_description";
aioseoDesc.value = "This is SEO description";
customField aioseoKeyword = default(customField);
aioseoKeyword.key = "_aioseop_keywords";
aioseoKeyword.value = "This is SEO keywords";
//customField thumbnailImage = default(customField);
//thumbnailImage.key = "_thumbnail_id";
//thumbnailImage.value= PostNewMediaObject();
newBlogPost.custom_fields = new customField[] { aioseoTitle, aioseoDesc, aioseoKeyword };
categories = (IgetCatList)XmlRpcProxyGen.Create(typeof(IgetCatList));
clientProtocol = (XmlRpcClientProtocol)categories;
clientProtocol.Url = "https://abc.com/xmlrpc.php";
string result = null;
result = "";
result = categories.NewPage(1, "ID", "Pass", newBlogPost, 1);
MessageBox.Show("Posted to Blog successfullly! Post ID : " + result);
pTitle = "";
pPost = "";
catch (Exception ex)
]]>I am currently working on a project that requires users to down vote and upvote things, an example being links in a post.
I have all of the voting data saved into custom fields for each post.
Currently when a person down votes or upvotes something I have a Javascript function that makes a xmlhttprequest to a PHP script somewhere on my server.
The script loads wordpress functions using
and I update_post_meta or do whatever I have to do.
I am wondering if this is the best way to go about getting this effect and what is the best practice for doing something like this?
]]>Is there a way to call a custom field where you want in an article? For example, calling the custom field between the first and second paragraph in an article, then call the custom field between the fourth and fifth paragraph in a second article, etc…
I found nothing on Internet.
I had thought to call the custom field with a shortcode [ ], but it does not work, and the method seems complicated.
Thank you.