The important thing is the Irish flag needs to have pages in English, not Irish
By setting the custom language for English, Ireland, the website still displays English (UK) as its main language
I have not found language mapping anywhere, how do I tell wpml to copy the pages with the Irish flag from the English (UK) or English (USA) translations ? The tutorial about language mapping is below
How do I add the Irish flag and achieve the above things ?
Let me know soon, thanks
Best regards,
The problem is at step 1 where it is asked to copy the .mo file and the .po at the following place : Event Tickets: /wp-content/plugins/events-tickets/lang/.
My problem is that I only have .mo file and NOT the po file not only for french but for all the languages there is no .po files ??
I thank you in advance for your assistance.
]]>Is there any plan on adding support for mcfunction?
This is the scripting language used by Minecraft, which has now become quite popular.
I have found a good mcfunction syntax highlighter for Sublime Text, which has a few examples of how the language looks like. And an even simpler one, which might be easier to port.
Alternatively, can anyone point me towards any resource on how to create/add new languages for this plugin? I have found this page, but if I understood correctly that does not exactly apply to this WordPress plugin. I would love to give a go at adding a new language definition, hopefully in a way that does not erase all of my changes as soon as new update comes out.
Thank you!
]]>My site language (from Settings>General) is Language 2. Everything in the website’s backend is showing in Language 2. The problem is that my polylang main language is Language 1 and in the frontend the wpadminbar is showing in language 1 and also (which is my main concern) my Elementor plugin’s edit page is showing almost everything in language 1.
My goal is to set Elementor to show my site language (from Settings>General) or in other words Language 2.
Can I do this somehow?
]]>I am developing an African languages website and would like to use TranslatePress to do it but I have a few questions:
add_filter( 'trp_wp_languages', 'trpc_add_custom_somali_language', 10, 2 );
function trpc_add_custom_somali_language( $languages ){
$lang = 'so';
if( array_key_exists( $lang, $languages ) ){
return $languages;
// Somali
$languages['so'] = array( 'language' => 'so_SO', 'english_name'=> 'Somali', 'native_name' => '???? ???????', 'iso' => array( 'so' ) );
if( $TRP_LANGUAGE == 'so_SO' ){
$GLOBALS['text_direction'] = 'rtl';
return $languages;
add_filter('gettext_with_context', 'trpc_somali_rtl', 10, 4);
function trpc_somali_rtl($translated, $text, $context, $domain){
if($text == 'ltr' && $context == "text direction" && $TRP_LANGUAGE == 'so_SO'){
$translated = 'rtl';
return $translated;
add_filter( 'trp_flags_path', 'trpc_flags_path_somali', 10, 2 );
function trpc_flags_path_somali( $original_flags_path, $language_code ){
// only change the folder path for the following languages:
$languages_with_custom_flags = array( 'so_SO' );
if ( in_array( $language_code, $languages_with_custom_flags ) ) {
return plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . 'flags/' ;
return $original_flags_path;
]]>I would like to add a translation set for a language so small it’s not in the list (it does not even has an official language code XX_yy).
How do I add a custom translation set?
]]>However, Loco Translate keeps using the original (my sites language) translation.
How do I force the plugin to use my custom translation, without changing my sites whole language?
I did not like editing directly to the original language, because whenever the plugin would receive an update the language would reset and I would lose all changes.
Thank you in advance for the attention and advice. Much love!
]]>Can somebody help me? Thanks
[No bumping. And no swearing or abuse, thank you.]