1.) Logged User – Clicking the delete icon fads out the favorited item, but then it fades back in. The count in listing heading updates correctly and then reverts back to what it was ( toggles to 0 and then back to 1 ). The count in the site header [ccc_my_favorite_list_menu slug=”” text=”” style=””] get updated correctly. Manually refreshing the page should the correct listing. The delete all works as expected.
Anonymous users – it works fine and if I use your default list shortcode it works fine.
Also is there an easy way to use local storage for both logged in and anonymous users?
function ccc_my_favorite_list_custom_template( $my_favorite_post_id=false ) {
// var_dump($my_favorite_post_id);
$key = 'ccc-my_favorite_post'; // localstorage key
$_SESSION[$key] = $my_favorite_post_id; // Now stored in php′s session variable $_SESSION['my_favorite_post']
// var_dump($_SESSION[$key]);
$args= array(
'post_type' => 'speaker',
'post__in' => $my_favorite_post_id,
'orderby' => 'post__in',
'posts_per_page' => -1,
$the_query = new WP_Query($args);
if( $the_query->have_posts() ) {
<p id="ccc-favorite-count"><span class="number"><?php echo $the_query->post_count; ?></span></p>
<div data-ccc_favorite-delete_all=true><a href="#" class="ccc-favorite-post-delete-button">All Delete</a></div>
<div class="list-ccc_favorite wrapper">
while( $the_query->have_posts() ) {
if( has_post_thumbnail() ) {
echo '<div class="col-2 wrapper"><img src="'.get_the_post_thumbnail_url($the_query->post->ID, 'thumbnail').'" /></div>';
* Your custom field
* Please write the code to output your custom field.
<div class="col-10 col--vcent">
<a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a><!-- /.title-post -->
<div class="ccc-favorite-post-toggle"><a href="#" class="ccc-favorite-post-toggle-button" data-post_id-ccc_favorite="<?php echo $the_query->post->ID; ?>"></a></div><!-- /.ccc-favorite-post-toggle -->
} //endwhile
echo '</div>';
} //endif
} // endfunction
]]>Is there any way to do this? I tried ‘Post Types Order’ which works great with regular posts, but it had no effect on the KB.
]]>I am writing to find if there is a plugin or some way I can do the following.
1. We need to build a two or three column list
2. Upload CSV option to build the list
3. A form to allow us to submit values to the list to keep it growing or add new values.
4. We do not want to show list anywhere, instead, we want to show search option so that the search should be performed only on the selected column(s) (AJAX based if possible) and show the results from all columns in a tabular form.
5. Insert custom code (AdSense) before/after search button (between search field and button)
6. Insert custom code (AdSense) before/after search results
Any expert inputs will be of great value.
Best Regards,
Syed H
There are already answers to my questions, but unfortunately I could not find anything.
Where / How can I change the design of the store list?
Where / how are the stores stored?
How can I add more items?
I use the template store-listining-below.
I have (currently) little knowledge of CSS, JS, HTML
I made this custom list on my functions.php :
function custom_list( $lists ) {
$new_lists['amli_doc'] = array(
'name' => 'AMLI Documentation',
'format' => '<tr><td><a href="%url%" title="%title%">%title%</a></td><td>%date%</td><td>%ext%</td><td>%filesize%</td></tr>'
return $new_lists;
add_filter( 'dedo_get_lists', 'custom_list' );
It worked before the last update but now, I have this message before my table : “Invalid style attribute”. And my table is empty.
Do you have an idea of what happens ?
Thank you
Is there a plugin or an easy way to list through the sidebar just one of my taxonomy, in this case “Status”, which is then divided into “past listings”, “for sale”, “for rent.
So, on the right, just want a list of the latest listings by its status.
Currently, I have two widgets in there, not quote doing what I want – I want the individual posts listed like the one in the top, but divided by status as in the bottom.
Thoughts? Thanks in advance!
]]>I’d made a custom list of items, and I need for the user to select multiple instances via checkboxes. The problem is when showing the data, is way too long for it to be included in the visual theme, making very intrusive.
Is there any way to pass this infinite-list onto a popup window, so the checkboxes can be multiple selected by a column format display?
Thanks in advance!
]]>1 – I’m new to WordPress, I used to make websites over a decade ago so I’m familiar with coding HTML and CSS but have been out of the game for a long time.
2 – I’ve searched a lot both in WP forum, codex, and other sites, and am where I can’t figure it out by myself.
Working on a website, WP-self hosted, Genesis framework, Enterprise Pro Theme by StudioPress, with a child theme customized for us by a pro developer, I’m doing content updates and trying to refresh the look / feel of the site.
I’m trying to style a UL of PDF’s. What I am trying to acheive is each LI is its own bordered box, within that box being a JPG thumbnail of the PDF with title to the right, with text vertically centered.
When I create a test page outside of WP, the list styles roughly the way I want it to, I need to polish a little bit but it has the big elements I want.
When I paste that exact CSS into the theme editor in WP dashboard, and edit my page, the CSS doesn’t apply, it doesn’t even seem to get called. When I paste that CSS directly into the page, using style
tags, directly in the WP page editor, it seems to work.
Can’t figure out where I’m screwing up, is it the way I’m selecting the UL / LI’s, is it that some other style sheet is overriding my edits, or am I screwed up in some other way?
What I get when I paste the style directly into the page content:
What I get when I leave the styling in the site main style sheet:
The colors are just there to help me visualize what DIVs are containing what, etc.