When I go to edit the form and input the data, the fields do not appear in the backend on the update page.
Even worse, when I cancel or update the profile, the content blocks that did appear are no longer there.
Quick display here on YT – https://youtu.be/QVC3VwIBkHM
]]>However, I think I’m missing something crazy simple: how do I pass the uid of the user (from the current user profile, NOT the current logged-in user viewing the page) to my shortcode?
Thank you!
]]>I created a custom role. When a user selects the custom role from the registration page, they should be presented with the custom profile form.
I have done everything you instructed, created a custom profile, assigned the custom profile to the custom role, and added a shortcode to the custom profile, on the User page.
No custom profile appears, just the default profile.
I tried removing the default profile from the user page and then I get errors about too many redirects.
I need to do this for multiple user roles – each needs their own custom profiles.
]]>any help appreciated thank you
]]>This is what is entered in custom profile field and how we would like it displayed
$300-$500 per hour
$500-$1,000 per hour
$1,000-$3,000 per hour
$3,000+ per hour
Your plugin is VERY close to being able to be the perfect solution for my current project.
I wanted to let you know that upon installing your plugin I get the PHP errer
Fatal error: Can’t use function return value in write context in /home/skipper/public_html/underhergoldenarch.com/cms/wp-content/plugins/wp-profile-builder/includes/class-wpup-frontend-scripts.php on line 86
It also comes up again on line 208. I commented them out and my site works after that and it seems all of the features are working. Before the 2 lines are commented out the Admin end would not load. The settings page worked but the other pages just loaded a white page. I take it, it was running into the same error just didn’t display the error.
Overall it is a pretty solid user profile plugin. There are a few things that I would like to know how to address.
1. Is there a way to remove the cool icons under the users avatar? I especially do not like showing the email for my current project. In some cases this feature would be great but the option to remove one or them or all of them would be greatly appreciated.
2. (Very small thing) Can you implement a way to have 2 columns in one row. So that something for example “First Name” and “Last Name” can be beside each other.
She wants to be able to add her own custom options for user profiles and then allow other users (depending on membership level) to search through these user profiles and filter which results are shown according to the custom options selected.
I hope this makes sense.
I’m pretty confident there must be a plugin that already offers this functionality because of the application potential.
Has any of you guys come across this type of plugin?
Any advice would be much appriciated.
I’m also open to using multiple plugins if needed.
Could you please confirm what is exactly happening as I should be able to display the “Custom registration form”, in the “Custom profile” within Ultimate member but it only ever shows “two” which is the first name and last name.?
Can you please advise where this additional information is being stored as it needs to be displayed on the custom profile for this particular role. As you can see the below image, it only twos two of etc fields.
]]>In order to do this I need to dive into the PHP to call the form, but I’m not quite sure what the proper “call” would be. I would hate to go through the effort of figuring out how to call a template, only to have something important missing, resulting in a dud form. Can anyone offer any insight?
(Here are the forms that I’m looking to call in particular: “Edit Events” “Edit Locations” “Manage Bookings” “My Bookings” and “Add Event” )
A bonus would also be to point me toward the PHP call for an events calendar (rather than the shortcode).
Thanks so much for the help!