I have created specific template for the “bws-admin_page” post type but this is not effected. Will custom template not work for this post type?
Thank you for your support.
]]>Is there someone who use ACF with Woocommerce ?
I created a custom field to send the Additional Info to our clients email once the order is completed.
Here is the code:
add_action (‘woocommerce_order_details_after_order_table’, ‘acf_additionalinfo’, 20);
function acf_additionalinfo( $order ) {
if (get_field(‘additionalinfo’, $order->id)) { // Only show if field is filled
DHL: <?php the_field(‘additionalinfo’, $order->id); ?>
It work well but it seems that I have to fill in the field, save the page, then I have to change the order to complete and resave the page.
Else, the additiona linfo will not be included in the order confirmation email.
Here is a topic about this: https://support.advancedcustomfields.com/forums/topic/showing-acf-field-on-woocommerce-order-page/
I am starting to think that it is a limitation in the WC filter.
]]>It’s firly easy to GET the values, do a foreach loop and make whatever, but I cannot comprehend how to insert multiple values into a field.
I do not know how many values, this will vary from post to post.
]]>How to solve this?
]]>here is the page so you can get an idea.
There are only 2 images in the example in the link ( same image, twice)
Also, the site might break, not tested or optimized, etc..
Maybe the (1/12) is an overlay on the images, that I am not sure about… but it would be cool.
Thanks ahead of time, all ideas are welcome!!!!! thanks!