Absolutely no idea why it isnt working.
I’m also trying to create and pull custom metrics from the event results for darts, namely a players best leg and highest checkout, which shouldnt be hard, its literally just picking a min or max value from the event results. A player statistic allows for a number to be a total or an average so why not a min or max value?
SO any ideas on why box score isnt populating ? and is it possible to add that min/max option into the code somewhere instead of it doing a total/sum?
]]>Tournament rules are very simple. There are 4 locations for playing darts. Players are registered in one of them and after that, they can play where they want. The system should calculate one point for each locale where they played, so for example, one player can play 10 matches only in the venue where he was registered and he will have only one point in the column “LOKAL” in the league tables but if he plays 8 matches in one, and two in another local, he will get 2 points in that column, if he plays 5 matches in one local, two in the other one and three in another one, he has to get 3 points, and the one who has played at least one match in all 4 locals, will receive in that column all 4 points (maximum score for that). I tried to make a formula in league tables “local” x 1, but that was not succeed
After that, I can not adjust the automatic scoring because it is not important for this competition who played how many matches, because every player can play as many matches as they want, and the goal is to collect as many wins as possible and therefore the top-ranked players, with most wins, should be ranked on the top of the league table.
For example, the one match is played between two players and if the result is 7:3, then the first would have to count 7 points for 7 wins, and in the column, for the legs, it should be written that he played 10 legs and in the LOSS column should write 3 losses. For the second player, a system has to score 3 points in the column for the winning points, and in the column for the played legs should be written 10, and 7 in the column for the losses.
So finally, I need only 4 columns and that’s, first is “Local”, the second is the total of played matches, the third is “losses”, and the forth is “wins”.
Now the system calculates the same match with the result of 7:3 to the first player 1 point for the win, and the second one have no points, but one loss and that is not good for my needs.
I hope I have been able to explain my problem because English is not my strongest side, and I really hope someone will know how to help me.
Is there a way of doing this automatically via the configure area equation? as currently it just adds them up when adding more than one match.
]]>I’m using sportspress with the ‘Darten’ preset but I don’t get how to count legs. There is a preset rule with legsfor/legsaginst variables but it doesn’t seem to be complete. Am I missing something here?
Is there anybody else using the darts preset?
]]>I run a darts league website. I have been using sportspress for the past season and it does work well for display fixtures, overall results and a partial table.
I would like it to do a little more and i’m wondering whether anyone has managed to do it?
Basically, a league fixture is 5 v 5 players. The overall team result for a win is 2 points (which sportpress calculates and is fine) but i would like to base the order of the league table of the individual legs of each player results. Example below.
Team A v Team B
Player A 2 – 1 Player F
Player B 2 – 1 Player G
Player C 2 – 1 Player H
Player D 2 – 1 Player I
Player E 2 – 1 Player J
So Team A wins 5 – 0 and gets 2 points then has 10 legs for and 5 against, then the table order is based on points then legs for/against.
I hope that makes sense?
]]>I want to run a darts league where teams play each other, with the points being the legs won and lost.
A match consists of 9 games, being 6 singles and three doubles “best of 3”.
I want, within a game of team against team, to be able to add players and scores to those 9 games, for singles as well as doubles. Out of these data player stats must be generated, games played, won, lost, seperate for singles and doubles.
Is that possible with Sportspress?
]]>It’s a fairly standard league Played|Won|Lost|Drawn|Games For|Games Against|Points
The points are basically to same as the “Games For” column so if Games For = 3 so does “Points”
So instead of won matches, I’d like to count “Games For”
Is this easily possible – sorry if I’m asking something basic