WordPress 4.5.3
IP Blacklist Cloud Version 4.01
I had to go in via FTP and remove the folder /wp-content/plugins/ip-blacklist-cloud to get back in.
On re-activating the plugin, the dashboard just gives a blank screen. Remove the folder again and the dashboard works again. I have removed all other plugins and proved to myself it is this one causing the problem on its own. I have replaced and reactivated all other plugins and finally reactivating this one reproduces the problem.
The blog part of the web site still functions, but as soon as I log in as a user or an administrator I am just presented with a blank screen. While in that state, if I remove the ip-blacklist-cloud directory and then refresh the blank screen, the dashboard is displayed.
]]>I log in and I gets with url:
Submitting my login creds, I got this redirect instead of my dashboard:
I then went to my home page which is as follows
I then stopped the website via my MS Azure portal window which showed it was running and when stopped rechecked my home page to find it is running and thus cached.
I then restarted my Web App jmulhall.azurewebsites.net and the cleared my cache from google Chrome and tried my password again. Again, no error message like “Invalid Username or Password”, it just redirected to the same login page with the same credentials BUT the redirect URL the same as the redirect above.
In short, I input the correct username and password via Google password and it takes in the pwd BUT does not bring me to my admin dashboard. Can you help me to log successfully into my WordPress Dashboard? Any help is appreciated. I don’t want to start again even though I have updraft backups.